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Oberoi mansion ..

Bhavu- Rudra pack ur bags

Ru- but still we have 2 days

Bhavu- so what there very less time

Ru- Bhavya may I ask u one question

Bhavu- no

Ru- ok then tell me why u r always be so serious about life

Bhavu- because it's unpredictable

Ru- exactly who knows what will happen next moment therefore u must live each and everyone second of ur life

Bhavu- it is very easy to say but practically impossible

Ru- nothing is impossible if u want to live each moment of ur life I am ready to be a teacher of urs for one day

Bhavu- and how could u think that I am ready to accept ur proposal

Ru- because I know u want to live ur life no u r dying to live ur life or a day like a free bird

Bhavu- how could u be so sure about it

Ru- because it reflects in ur eyes

Bhavu- again u came at those cheesy lines

Ru- no I am saying truth ur eyes speak more than ur words

Bhavu- so what they r telling u

Ru- they r telling me why I should tell u first reply my answer do u want this teacher for one day

Bhavu- ok and in return what u want

Ru- nothing but ur help to sow the seeds in the garden

Bhavu- strange wish

Ru- no it's not

Bhavu- ok I am ready when we have to sow the seeds and get u as my teacher

Ru- teaching session will be tomorrow and we will sow the seeds day after Tomorrow at morning

Bhavu- done

Ru- then be ready at 5 am and meet me at garden tomorrow

Bhavu- ok but pack ur bags first

Ru- going madam anything else

Bhavu- no

Ru- then  bye

Bhavu- bye
            *(in mind)  he is not that bad *


Kapoor mansion..

Om- where is veer

Prinku- he went to play football

Om- how do u know

Prinku- he told me

Om- why he told u

Ri- oye jatadhari stop behaving like a question bank

Om- I am question bank u r overacting ki dukaan

Ri- what u have said

Anu- don't start again guyzz

Shiv- yes we have a good opportunity to plan something for Ranveer and Rudra's birthday right now because Ranveer is not here so don't miss this chance

Anu- billlu ji don't worry about veer's gift we already planned something and about Rudy u have something in ur mind r not

Shiv- yes we also planned something for which we need ur permission

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