EPISODE 32....

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Pinky saw them ...

Pinky- u all came now let me teach u all a lesson what u said to me u will return within half an hour and what's time now...

Everyone turn behind..

Shivomrupri- you

Aniribhaveer- you

Daadi- do u all know each other

Shiv- daadi what this girl doing here

Om- yes exactly who permit her to enter inside the Oberoi mansion

Ru- but she is sweet

Shivom- shut up Rudra she and sweet not even in my dreams

Anu- u mr arrogant what u r doing here

Ri- and how dare u to come on front of us

Bhavu- and still u want to continue that fight then clearly tell me

Veer- didus why u r blaming those boys see that weird girl who keep ketchup in her purse

Prinku- who are u to say me a weird have u forgotten that day if yes then I can help u to remind that day and I still have a ketchup with me do u want that

Jaan- shivomrupri is this is the way to talk to anyone

Pinky- we never taught u all to talk u anyone like this

Vihu- aniribhaveer in which way u four r behaving where are ur manners

Daadi- stop it all of u and billu tell me what is happening

Anu- Billu

Ri- daadi is there any cat in this house

Veer- and it's amazing that cat can speak

Bhavu- daadi can we meet that cat

Jaan- child there is not any cat in this house mummy ji call shivaay as Billu

Anu- hahaha Billu

Shiv- don't laugh ..daadi how many times I told u not to call me that

Anu- what Billu

Shiv- shut up

Daadi- one minute Annika u can tease him later first tell me what is wrong with u two

Shiv- daadi we met before in a mall a month ago

Anu- and that was the worst day of my life

They narrated whole of the story want to know see EPISODE 24

Everyone is laughing..

Om- one minute on that same day I met this girl

Anu- whom me but I never met u

Ri- no didu he is talking about me

Om- her because of whom my whole schedule got spoil

Ri- mr angry young man I should say that my day got spoiled because of u

Om- no mine

Daadi- tell me what happened

They narrated whole story EPISODE 24 all laughed aloud

Bhavu- and on that same day one of the beautiful dress damaged because of this stupid

Om- me

Ru- no o she is talking about me stupid copyright is only with me ...but sweetheart don't call me stupid atleast

Bhavu- what u have called me sweetheart may I show u who am I ( while folding sleeves of his top)

Ri- cheeku calm down

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