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kalyani dadi-dadi

in mumbai,india......

oberoi mansion...

all the elders are waiting for the arrival of youngsters ...

youngsters come downstairs....

shivomrupri(shivay+omkara+rudra+priyanka)-good morning everyone..

elders-good morning 

jan-come fast and have a breakfast 

tej-today me and shakti has prepared breakfast tell me how is it.

everyone enjoyed the breakfast with gossiping and praised the food ...

they started heading towards their work..

tej,shakti and shivaay to office

omkara to art gallary 

prinku to college

when suddenly rudy run towards prinku .

ru-i am also coming with you.

prinku-but bhaiya i am going to college

ru- i know u are going to college for your kind information i am also study in the same college.

prinku-bhaiya r u kidding please don't joke u and college haha i am getting late bye.

ru-i am serious prinku i am coming with u

all were shocked except shivom that how rudy is ready to go to college without showing any drama.

pinky- o my mata rudy are u fine do u have fever 

ru-i am fine choti ma i am getting late talk to u later bye..

shakti-its a miracle rudy went to college without showing any tantrum...

they all disperse to their respective work..

at afternoon at dadi room..

pinky and janvi enter and found her in deep thought....

jan-mummy ji what are u thinking

dadi-nothing beta

pinky-u call us as ur child and not sharing ur problem

dadi-i don't have any problem i am only thinking that what will happen when my grandchildren will get marry i have only one wish that they get a perfect life partner for them who complete each other disqualities and made each other perfect.they should be takkar ki jodi.they keep the family one and don't try to separate them from us and their brothers and sister. they should be just like u both.

jan-don't worry mummy the same will happen

pinky-yes mummy ji and i have complete belief on our children and their love towards family and if we try to separate them then to they will not separate ..

jan- u take rest mummy ji we have some work meet u later come pinky...

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