EPISODE 60....

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Ani- Ranveer always take an active part in sports since his childhood

Ri- and he is very good in sports and won many medals and trophies in state as well as national level

Bhav- although we were living in London but our citizenship is of India that's why Ranveer play for India .

Ri- due to this he have to travel  from one country to another country .

Ani- our life was going smoothly until

Ranveer- that day when I came India for a basketball championship where I met Abeer Pratap Singh Chauhan.

Ranveer-  all this started when  I met Abeer he was very sweet and helpful towards me we became friends I was feeling lucky that I got friend like Abeer until that day when I got to know his true colour or to say his true intentions

Tej- what do you mean

Ani- bada papa let him speak at the end of the story you will get to know everything .

Veer- before going back to London I visited his house where I found him talking to his mother that he is showing fake concern and friendship towards me and he is giving me slow poison through my comb because he very well know I don't allow anyone to use my comb I am very  possessive about my things and I don't allow anyone to use them even my sisters and chota papa .

Prinku- but why he was giving you poison .

Veer- for revenge  in my school life his sister Disha Pratap Singh Chauhan was in love with me and I rejected her proposal because I even don't know her .

My friend told me that Disha is our junior she study in 9th standard and I was in 11th standard that time they also told me that Disha is very obsessive about me , she even tried to kill my classmate Raina because she came to ask me about her query in maths then I realised that every girl stay away from me specially Raina whenever she see me she ran away from that place .

After few days I  came to know from my friend that Disha has committed suicide because I rejected her .

Somewhere I felt guilty that this all happened because of me . I told everything about Disha to my didus they suggested me that atleast I should meet her family because somewhere they must be considering me as a culprit of her daughter's death .

chota papa was in Germany that time because of a project that's why he doesn't know anything about all this .

Me along with didus went to Disha's house  where we found it locked .we asked  their neighbours they told us that no one knows where they went after Disha's funnel . We came back didus and jeevika and maanvi di made me understand that it was not my mistake I should not feel guilty . After few days I was selected in  football team and got busy in my life and with time I forgotten that incident.

I have forgotten this but Disha's family haven't they want to take revenge of Disha's death .

Bhav- then  I joined defence force and they assigned me in secret operation where I have to give information about a gangster and his plans they sended me previous reports of that case when I read name Abeer Pratap Singh Chauhan it striked me that somewhere I have listened this name but I ignored it that was my biggest mistake.

Ri- she told me that she is going Lucknow for joining her mission but haven't told us about anything related to it ...then  she started working under Abeer Pratap Singh Chauhan.

Bhav- I was not allowed to reveal his name to anyone that's why they don't know about Abeer . In front of World he is a college student and amazing basketball player but inside his web he is a gangster who sell drugs ,kill people brutally, kidnap people and moreover he is indulge in women trafficking racket . One day I received chutki di call that she has decided to present her work in front of World. I told I want to with her during her first painting launch I took permission from sir and got leave I made excuse and took permission from Abeer to get a week  off .

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