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ru-are u sure chubby that girl will come today

chubby-yes bro i am 100% sure

ru- last time also u said same thing

chubby- rudy that day she came here but due to some work she left before u reach the college

ru-ok there is no need to give explanation but if she doesn't come here then no one can save u from the anger of rudy 

chubby-ok but what u planned to impress her

ru- rudy don't make plan to impress girls plan itself come infront of rudy and beg to him that please rudy involve us in order to impress girls..

chubby- wow rudy u r great then what you have decided

ru-i have decided that today i will impress her at any cost then i will ask for coffee and some days later for a date ..

chubby- so for that what should we have to do

ru - you have to only follow what i say listen  when that girl enter wht's her name....

chubby- bhavya 

ru-ya bhavya when she will enter in the college we all will spread in different direction when she will park her scooty and came towards the class room rohit..

rohit( friend of rudra)-yes rudy

ru-u have to spread a thread at enterance 


ru- when her feet will come in contact with a thread and she will going to fall i will come there and save her from falling on the ground..

my next plan at lunch time when she will enter in the canteen chubby you have to close the canteen gate and made everyone out of the canteen and when she will be alone close the lights .

chubby- ok bro

ru-when she will shout for the help i will go there and rescue her

my next and final plan..

at evening raunak u have to puncture her scooty...

raunak(friend of rudra)- done

ru- at that time no one will be there then i will go there and ask her for a lift i my car without having any option she will agree for it..

chubby- but bhai what about prinku she also go with u na

ru- no she will not because she is going to the party with her friends after college gets over

chubby-but rudy how will car drive help u to go on a date with her

ru-simple  during the drive i will ask her for a coffee and i am sure she will say yes because no one  can reject my offer as i am tall handsome charming boy every girl is behind me....

all said - rudy u are best....

please ignore grammatical mistake.no proof reading done so please ignore spelling mistake . vote and comment if u like my story....
And DikshaReddy4 you guessed right the girl  is Bhavya ..

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