Thank you note ... please read ...

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Hii... I hate goodbye ...I will say hum hai rahi pyaar Ka phir milanga watty pai...

The journey of this book is adorable ..

This journey gave me many memories.. specially friends who are my best friends and sisters by choice now..

I am not going to mention anyone here because my each and every reader is diamond for me ...

I have a screenshot of each update votes and comments which I am going to store in my heart forever ..

I remember everyone's username their profile picture ...and believe me I check who have voted and if I found anyone missing who always vote on previous chapters I became depressed and in tension that what happened why she/he haven't voted on this part have he/she not liked this part is he/she is fine I know I am stupid what to do what I am ..I am front of you ..

I am always here for you all whenever you want to talk to me just message me I will surely reply as soon as possible if haven't then scold me...

I promise I will be back soon with a new book and new journey I wish you will support me in that journey also as you supported me here ...

If possible please reply me at this 'thank you letter' everyone I want to keep a everlasting memory of this book by your precious comments everyone means everyone ..

Last but not the least I am going to miss you and thank you is so small word to say what I really want to say ..

And yes one last time ...
Follow ....

Lots of love
Dearpia ..❤️

Signing off

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Signing off .....✍️

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