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At evening...

Kapoor mansion...

Anu- chutki have u any information about veer

Ri- yes di I talked to airport authority they informed me flight has been landed he must be reaching here anytime

Anu- ok if his flight not got delayed he must be here till now

Ri- offo di again became emotional

Anu- not more than u I know u made pancakes when u got to know flight got delayed and you prepare pancakes only when u r sad

Ri-  I am not sad di

Anu- I know

Ri- di

Anu- I have said nothing

Ri- di

Anu- what

Ri- u r impossible

Prinku- Annika di Gauri di

Aniri- Priyanka

They hug each other

Anu- when u came here

Prinku- just now

Ri- u came alone

Prinku- no om bhaiya and shivaay bhaiya is also here

Anu- bagadbilla also came

Shiv- don't spoil my name pannika.

Anu- I called devil and devil came

Shiv- what u called me

Anu- what u r

Ri- shut up guys again u both started fighting

Anu- yes same like u whenever u meet on u both start fighting

Ri- when I fight with om

Om- when not

Ri- you have to come now only

Om- I am sorry I don't know I have to take appointment to come here

Ri- now u get to know then leave

Prinku- shut up how much u all fight just cut the crap guyss

Veer- hello friends

Prinku- phail Gaya rayata

Ri- now speak

Anu- who will fight now

Prinku- please forgive me

Veer- wow when u all came here

Shiv- this question should be asked to u from where u r coming with bags

Veer- I went to di will tell

Anu- why always I tell everybody

Veer- I mean chutki di will tell

Ri- he went to his friends bday party

Veer- yes

Om- but these many bags

Ri- mr detective he have return gift in them

Om- ohh but u were in London then how u have  indian friend

Veer- college I mean in my college I have many Indians

Om- ok

Prinku- but

Veer- no more questions please I am tired can I go my room please

Prinku- sure di can u please show room to us we r also tired

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