Chapter 7 - Anna

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Three months after my night with Blake, reality sets in. An unbelievable reality that just shouldn't be mine. I stare at the white stick I bought earlier today at the dollar store and I cry. This can't be happening.

I know what the CCs do to their children. They kill the females and the males are forced to become legacies and join them. I can't have my child damned to this fate. I am pregnant with Blake Scott's fricken baby.

I try to tell myself that there must be another reason for the symbol on the stick, but I know there's not. It makes sense. I don't need the doctor to tell me the dumb thing is right, because I just know. I've never been late, and I've definitely never been over two months late. Now what? What do I do? Where do I go? If the CCs can find me, which I have no doubt they can. They must be watching me if they can threaten Blake with my life. Unless they're fluking, but that's not a chance I'm willing to take. Not with my child. I wonder if they'd be able to connect the dots somehow and see that the baby is Blake's. Do they know I was in Orlando? Obviously they don't know about the night we spent together. If they did, they'd have come to kill me by now, but could they have known I was in the same city as Blake?

They can't watch me at all times. Until three months ago, I was constantly moving from city to city. Surely, they only check up on me once in a while. Surely, if I leave in the middle of the night and make sure no one's following me, if I pick up and leave without any warning, then they won't be able to follow. I'll disappear from their radar. At least for a while, until I figure something else out.

Or I could end this now and save my unborn baby the pain of the terrible fate it could face. No, I can't do that. I've never been one for abortion, not that I'm completely against it either. But for me, it's not something I can do. Not to my child, not to Blake's child.

And what about Blake? Doesn't he deserve to know he's going to be a father? Yes, but I can't tell him. I can't risk our baby's safety. I have to think about its life now, not just my own or Blake's. The baby's life is my first priority from now on.

I know what I have to do. I have to run.

Before thinking anything through, I close all of the blinds in my house. I start throwing things into a suitcase. I only pack the things I need. I will leave everything else. I pack the five used pregnancy tests I used today, not willing for anyone to come in here in find them if they come looking for me. I even leave my cell phone in case it's being traced. Then I call a cab and fork out a wad of cash.

"Take me to Montana," I decide rashly. Montana it is.

The man looks at me confused but when he sees the money, he doesn't question my decision.

"Where to in Montana, pretty lady?" the guy asks.

He seems a little creepy, but my mind isn't able to focus on that right now. "Great Falls," I tell him. It's the first place in Montana that comes to mind.

We speed out of Kansas City, the place I thought I might be able to start a new life in. I leave behind a waitressing job and classes at the college. I leave behind the beginnings of a new life, to start another.

How am I going to raise a kid all on my own? Growing up, I had no brothers or sisters. I had no younger cousins. I don't know the first thing about caring for a child. I don't know anything about being pregnant.

The cab driver drops me off at a motel. I'll have to start looking for a new place tomorrow and a new job. I have enough money saved up to get a new place, but not much more than that. I wish I had someone to talk to. A friend, a parent who actually gave a damn, but I don't. I'm alone in this which is absolutely terrifying. It doesn't make things any better, that's for sure.

With me going missing, will the CCs harm my parents? Old friends from high school that I haven't spoken to in years? I have no idea. Maybe I'm making the worst choice of my life right now by acting off of pure instinct, but all I know is that I have to keep the baby safe.

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