Chapter Nine: The walls come down

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Yeah yeah I know it's been a year or Whateva since I last updated but I have been busy. Sorry for grammar mistakes and shit, I'm writing this on my phone cause my internet is out. And as I'm writing this I'm listening to 'Hurt by Johnny Cash and I think it fits this chap. SOO HERE WE GO WITH CHAPTER 9


I started walking then the walking turned in running and then I was full on sprinting down the road. The walls that I have built up are slowly crumbling, emotion that I'm not ready for spilling out. My deepest and darkest memories that I try to surpass with drinking slowly start creeping into my mind, the horrible scenes playing threw my mind.
When I finally stop running I stop and look around I notice I'm down by the train tracks. I stop and sit down next to a tree and have a somewhat mental breakdown and curse under my breath that I didn't have a smoke to calm my nerves. I shouldn't have came here, I really was better off in New York. All I do is cause trouble wherever I go, ruining everyone's lives. I take a shaky breath in and stand up and start walking down the tracks. I'm all alone in this world, yeah I have Dal but he ain't going to be around forever. I need to build my walls up ten times thicker and higher, so nobody can get in. Maybe if I disappear then all my problems will go away? What am I saying? I'm a Winston and we don't run away from are problems! unless they are the fuzz then we run as fast as we can! Yeah that's a lie I run from everything.
I was suddenly taken out of my thoughts when I see two bright lights heading towards me and a horn blaring. I froze, I just stood there debating if I should move or not. The train got closer and closer and I still did not move. I relaxed my muscles and I close my eyes "Goodbye Dal" I said softly as I waited for the train to hit me. But it never did, I opened my eyes and I'm lying on the ground with Ponyboy on top of me.
"What the hell Jesse? You could have been killed!" he said standing up and extending his hand. I pushed his hand out of the way and stood up by myself "Maybe I wanted to huh! Ever think of that!" I brushed the dirt off my pants and started walking away from him. But he grabbed my wrist "Jesse why would you want to?" I tried pulling out of his grip but it wasn't working. "Why would you care huh? I'm clearly not wanted!" I hissed using his own words against him, he just stood there staring at me.
Before I could react he pulled me into a death grip hug and would not let go. I can't really remember the last time I was really hugged tight like this. "Jesse I'm sorry! I didn't mean those things! Angela is my first girlfriend and I don't want to mess things up and have her leave me." I cringe at the name of the she devil "But Jesse do you know how many people would actually miss you? Me the gang and most of all Dally! You're his kid sister and he cares about you!" I don't know why but him saying this makes be start crying quietly. I actually hug him back and sob into his chest like a little weak baby, I wiped away my tear "If you mention to anyone that I was crying I will kill you!" he smiled.
"DALLY I FOUND THEM!!!" a voice yells from top of the track. I pull away from the hug and looked and saw Dally running over to us with a worried look on his face. "Jesse don't ever do that again! You gave me a heart attack! I'm to young and handsome to have a heart attack!" he said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes "Whatever you say Dal." He slapped my arm "Why in hell did you take off in the first place? You can't keep doing that you're always getting into trouble by yourself." I just looked at him. "I needed some air yea know, I needed to breath. " I said stuffing my hands in my jacket pockets looking down at the ground trying to act cool. He bent down "Your not okay are you?" he whispered into my ear, I nodded not looking up.
When I finally looked up I could not tell Dally's emotions, his face was mixed with worried and broken. He sighed and put his arm around my shoulders and started walking leaving Ponyboy standing there. "Jesse, I care about you so much! And everyday since I left I regret not taking you with me. I'm you older brother I'm suppose to be there to protect you, but it looks like I'm doing a shitty job don't it?" he said with a smirk look down at me, I nodded and laughter a little. "I hate thinking that you grew up so fast cause I left, you're so much like me that I'm worried that your going to get in trouble and get arrested. Cause trust me your pretty little face won't make a day in there." he said smirking and rustling my hair. I swatted his hand away, he stopped and laughed "Well I'm just trying to say I'm care about you kid. " I smiled and hugged him.
"Come on kiddo lets go back to the House and just hang out with gang for the night okay?" he said as we walk back to the house, Ponyboy already halfway down the street with Two-Bit. "Dal do you have a smoke I can have?" He nodded his head and reached into his leather coat and took out a pack and a lighter "Thanks" I mumbles lighting the cigarette. "Ya know that's bad for your health right?" He said putting the pack back into his coat pocket. I scoffed and ignored his 'big brother' comment and continued walking.
When we got back to the house I took a sharp breath in, the guys probably think I'm crazy from the way I have been acting, fuck I am crazy! As I walk into the house the one think I hate the most happens, they all stop and look at me.

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