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Julie's pov

You know the feeling when you are stabbed in the back by the one that you loved the most. Well that's exactly what I feel right now. Waiting for Evan while the doctors are checking on him is something that I never thought it would happen.

I feel like someone ripped my heart out of my chest.

I knew about Evan's heart condition. The pills damaged it but he never seemed to care about it.

When he collapsed in my arms i felt motionless.Do I scream? Do I call for help? I had no clue what to do but thank god and a nurse saw us.

Nobody knew about Evan and I leaving. Evan being away from me and knowing that he is not feeling good made me feel like a huge part of me was missing.

A part that I can't live without.

The doctor finally came out of his room and I didn't wait a second. I walked over to him to ask him about Evan.

"how is he?" I asked nervously.

"He did alot of effort that made his breathing hard and kind of" he paused taking a deep breath looking at me.

"Just say it." I insisted.

"It made his heart condition worse."

My heart just skipped a million beats when he said that. I have nothing to do or to give Evan to make him feel better. Seeing someone that you love hurt and not being able to do something about it is the worst feeling ever.

"You can go see him if you want to but be careful his breathing is still unsteady" I just nodded before storming into Evan's room. My heart broke when my eyes met his figure. This isn't the Evan that I know.

Tubs covered his chest, his lips didn't have it's pink color but it was replaced with bloodless lips, he looked very weak as he was still sweating.

He moved his head to the side slowly and when his eyes met mine he smiled weakly "Come here Juls" Evan weak voice ordered, offering the space next to him.

I ran over to him and pulled him into my arms cuddling him carefully making sure not to mess with the tubes.

Evan was resting his head on my chest and then he lifted it up looking at me.

Tears started forming in his eyes and I wondered why is he tearing "Evan what's wrong?"

"I am sorry" He apologized before bursting out crying.

"Evan, why are you sorry?" I asked holding him tighter.

"I am sorry that you got involved in my life. My life is a mess and I am just really selfish for making you fall in love with someone like me. Y-You deserve someone better and that's not me" He said his voice cracking. I can't believe Evan said he doesn't deserve someone like me. The truth is i don't deserve someone like Ethan. He is so loving and caring and I don't deserve any of this.

"Evan no don't you dare say I don't deserve you because I am the one who doesn't deserve you. You are not selfish for making me fall in love with you. You are amazing for making me know what true love is. I am grateful for that." Evan smiled burying his head in the crook of my neck.

" I don't know what I did to have you in my life. You are truly a blessing." He stated against my neck.

"And I don't know what I did to make you love me."

"Alot of things but just promise me one thing Juls."

"of course Evan, i will promise you with anything you say." I said.

"No matter how far this goes or how this ends........i want you to know that I will always love you. I love everything about you. Your mistakes, your flaws, your scars, your smile. I love you and only you." He paused wiping the tear that was rolling down my cheek.

"Promise me that you will never forget m-me."

His words broke me and made me realize how deeply and unconditionally Evan is in love with me in such a short time.

The truth is even if I lose Evan he will always be my only true love. He will always be the person who owns my heart.

I will never fall in love with someone else. I don't think there is someone who is brave enough to enter my heart easily like how Evan did.

Although I know that one day all of this is going to end but every single day my love for him grows stronger.

And I love that my heart belongs to him and that his heart belongs to me.

"I promise you Evan."

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