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Julie's pov

It's been two days since Etvan promised me not to forget him which was a very emotional moment for the both of his. His heart condition isn't changing which is not a good sign. He barely eats, You can say he lost his appetite or more like the will to do anything.

I am really worried about him. He doesn't want me to leave him and he talks in a way that I am not used to him talking this way. He keeps talking about death.

Evan's parents came to visit him when they heard about what happened to him and they are really generous and they are so loving. He also introduced them to me. I was getting lunch right now for Evan and I.It was 2 o'clock now which is lunch time. Although I knew he won't eat but I got him lunch anyway just in case. I placed the lunch tray on the nightstand. I watched Evan sleeping peacefully.

The past days were really rough and Evan was in a lot of pain. Sleeping was his escape from all the pain but unfortunately he barely slept. He has a lot of difficulty in breathing and he woke up most of the time from choking for air. I was always by his side to help him with it. He was still sweating, his lips are bloodless, even though it's been two days but it looks like Evan lost some weight, his hair was messy and sweaty and his face was pale yellow.

With all of this, Evan still looks perfect and I will always love him no matter what happens.

I run my fingers through his hair slowly and softly trying not to wake him up but he did. He rubbed his eyes and when he saw me a grin plastered on his face. He only slept for like two hours so he doesn't look sleepy but he looks tired.

He removed my hand from his hair and he lifted up to his lips kissing my knuckles "Good morning love" Evan said sending chills down my spine when he called me 'love'.

"Good morning babe."

Evan raised an eyebrow "I mean I am not complaining but it sounds really sexy how you called me that." I could heat in my cheeks when Evan said that. The truth is i don't think calling someone that you love names is really necessary. It's cute and all but to me actions are stronger. They show the truth about the person whether he is worth falling in love with or he is just another pain in the ass.

"I don't know it slipped out of my mouth" I said and a soft chuckle escaped Evan lips but ended up with him coughing.I rubbed his forearm and i got him some water to drink. He drank the water then gave me the cup.

"I am good now" Evan said assuring me that is good "I wanted to say it's so cute when you call me babe. You should call me that more often." Evan said with a wink. He looks so tired and his face is so red from coughing but still managed to compliment me. I was used to this happening now. Everytime Evan talked a lot, laughed or did any kind of efford this would always happen to him. I took the plate of salad and opened it to give it to him but he refused to eat.

"Evan please, you have to" i begged but him nodded a no "Juls I don't feel like eating anything" I am also used to him refusing the food I offered.

Evan isn't purposely doing this but actually he doesn't have any appetite for food. He told me that the food doesn't have a taste anymore when hr eats it. I gave up trying to make him eat and I ate the salad. Evan was staring at the ceiling for the past three hours and it kind of confused me. He didn't talk to me or even glanced at me. All his focus was on the ceiling.

"Evan are you alright?" I asked putting my hand over Ethan's.

"Can you please take me out to watch the sunset?" He asked more like begging me "Evan but you are still ti-" he cuts me off looking at me "Please, I will be fine." I don't know but I felt something was pushing me to take him. I helped Evan get out of his bed and pulled the tubes off that was on his chest.

He leaned on me for support wrapping his hand around my shoulder and we started walking to what I call 'our spot' in the garden. The entire walk my silent. The only thing that was heard was Ethan's heavy breathing through his mouth.

We both sat on the grass watching the sunset. Evan's head was on my lap as I sat crossing my legs. I ran my fingers through his hair and Evan was staring at me. He put a strand of hair behind my ear and rubbed his thumb on my cheek.

"Beautiful, Just beautiful" He said and I hid my rosy cheeks by leaning in and kissing him passionately. He cupped my face deepening the kiss.

Evan pulled away to catch a breath his eyes still shut. He was still breathing through his mouth that's why. He whispered in my ear "I want you to cherish every moment I spend with you even when I am gone."He paused his eyes finally meeting mine. "I love you so much Juls, you don't understand I have never this way towards someone. I want you to know that you are the msot beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes on." Evan placed my hand on his heart.

"You hear this dying heart? It's only beating because of you and for only you."

"Kiss me like it's the last time we kiss" I immediately connected my lips to Evan's. Tears rolling down both of our cheeks. Every word says makes me fall in love with him even more. Every moment I spend with him makes me realize how lucky am I for having him in my life. We both watched the sunset as we admired each other.

I walked Evan back to his room put he stopped putting a hand on the wall "Can you play the piano one last time for me?" Evan said his voice cracking because of his breathing getting a little unsteady.

I nodded a yes and we walked to the resting room. I sat next to Evan on the piano bench. I glanced at him and he was having his usual precious smile then I started playing. Evan rested his head on my shoulder as I played his favorite chord. It feels amazing when you express your love for someone in something that you love.

"I am going to miss this so much" Evan mumbled to himself but I could still hear it. I played for so long until Evan got tired and told me to take him back to his room.

I laid Evan on the bed and took off his shoes. I took off my shoes and laid next to Evan pulling the sheets over us. I didn't want to sleep but Evan was tired. He wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my stomach.

He noticed that I was still awake and looked up at me " Are you okay?"

"Evan i really don't feel like sleeping. Can we do anything?" I suggested.

"We have the entire day tomorrow we can do anything."

"Are you sure about that?" I asked.

"Of course, I promise you I will be here when you wake up."

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