3, stay

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I deleted the part where it talked about her parents on ch.1. Her parents died when she was very little.

Where am I?

My eyes flutter open to unfamiliar white walls, head spinning slowly.

Looking around with fuzzy eye vision, I noticed that I was still in my jeans and my t-shirt still removed. I was no longer in the large living room, but inside an average sized bedroom.

Silk deep red sheets, fancy bed frame, white walls.

Snapping me away from my thoughts, the door swings opens, revealing Taehyung standing at the doorway. I sit up abruptly, realizing the situation I'm in. "W-what do you want from me?!" I ask in fear, covering myself.

"It will all be explained soon," his deep voice vibrates off the walls as he comes towards me without direct eye contact, holding the fabric that seems to be my shirt.

"Here." He says, stretching his hand out towards me, giving me back my shirt. He turns around after I take it and I slip it on hastily with confusion and fear.

After he hears me sit up properly on the bed, he turns back around and looks at me with an unreadable expression.

Next thing, he opens his hand towards me, and gestures to take it. When I do, he tugs me a little and I slowly get off the bed, allowing him to carefully lead me out of the room and down the stairs, back to the elegant living room I was in what only felt like a moment ago.

He noticed my scared, reluctant expression and sighs. "We're not going to hurt you." He says quietly.

I still feel they are untrustworthy, but I am dragged against my will towards the idling boys sitting in the living room.

"Ah.. Minji.." Jimin stands up and I flinch slightly, backing up as Taehyung lets go of my hand.

He sighs, and I hear him come close and grab my arm, pulling me to a couch and forcing me to sit.

While I try to comprehend what was happening with a racing mind, their shadows hover over me as I hug and curl into myself tightly, in fear of what they might do to me.

"What do you all want from me?!" I cry out.

"Oh, don't cry. Please don't cry." Jungkook sighed and suddenly I felt two fingers lift up my chin.

It was Jimin. "Let us explain, ok? We wont do anything." He says and then 2 seconds later Yoongi mumbles, "Kinda."

Jin hits his back with a soft 'thud!'. "Do you know what the seven deadly sins are, honey?"


I shake my head in disbelief, "Y-you all..." I shut my mouth again.

-quick flashback

"Pride." Jin's eyes glowed yellow before going back to normal.
"Sloth." Yoongi's eyes flashed Grey.
"Wrath." Hoseok whispers painfully, his eyes flashing red and looks away.
"Greed." Green flash.
"Lust.." Purple flash.
"Envy." Orange flash.
"..and Gluttony." Bright blue flash.
(ok tbh i think this is cringey as i edit but i won't bother removing it -A/N)

"What does this have to do with me?" I say shakily, looking at their burning stares. "This is where you turn away." Hoseok says.

"We want you to stay with us."

"W-what?" I ask, confused. They all look at each other until Jungkook just gets right to the point, "We need someone to balance us out; like an anchor. If you were willing, we'd like you to be just that."

"S-so you're telling me you want to keep me for your personal entertainment?" I summarize.

"Well no," Jimin shakes his head, "It's like being in our company and just being around like a friend."

"..We may understand if you say no." Taehyung speaks up.

This is crazy. No one would accept this offer. What am I doing? This is not something to decide impulsively. They could be serial killers. I am in a tough time in my life, but is this the right choice? This could be your chance to not be alone for the rest of your life.

Or become 7 cursed sin's personal sex and entertainment slaves.

There's a long pause in the air as I think over my decision.

"...I'm hesitant," I whisper, "If I say yes, what will happen?"
There is mumbling and two pairs of shoes walk away. "Remember, it's okay to not accept. We are still strangers and I understand." A moment after, a drink is placed in front of me.

"You will drink this." I look up, my face meeting a cup of green liquid. I take it with a shaky hand, "What is it?" I ask cautiously.

"Special drink. You will forget everything that's happened from when you were born to now. All you will know is that you've been here your whole life. It'll make the change easier."

"W-what?" I almost completely refuse. I think of my life; my parents, my childhood? How can all of that be erased? Do I want all of that gone and erased from my mind? It's impossible for me to completely forget them, so how will this do much damage? I didn't think it was much, but something told me that it was legit and It was possible for one sip to erase my entire memory. I think. And then I decide.

"Alright." I bring the glass to my lips slowly before taking a sip.

I'm sorry, mother and father.

"When does it wo-" and for the second time that day, I pass out.


qotd: how are you? :)

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