1, tattoo parlor

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"It's not so hard, just go in, get a tattoo, pay and walk out." Minji huffed to herself, standing outside a common tattoo parlor, gold and silver settled against each other to create the exterior of the shop and sign, 'bangtan ink and piercings' written on the window.

Her hot breath creating a cloud of fog in the cold weather as she hesitantly looked ahead of her.

Minji had been wanting to do this anyway, she felt she was too boring and wanted to be bold; though she didn't think she'd actually go through with the plan. "It's not too late to back out.." She began to turn around then sighed.

"Whatever." She turned back and pushed through the doors, the bells jingling above the door to signal her arrival.

"Hello. I'm here to get a tattoo." Minji speaks up quietly to the handsome man at the counter.

He had pitch black hair, a black outlook, playing with his rings with a cigarette carelessly hanging from his lips. The name 'Yoongi' is displayed on a small name tag.

"Right.." He nods monotonously. "Pick whatever you want off the wall and tell the guy right there." He waves her off and points to a serene, silver haired boy in the corner waiting for a customer and scrolling through his phone.

There was no one really there that day, obviously pointed out by the emptiness and quiet atmosphere of the parlor with two other men sitting in their areas, staring her down with subtle curiosity.

She nods quietly without a word and begun to walk around, looking for a tattoo to come across her eye.

Every drawing was beautiful and well made, but none catched her attention.

Not until she sees the line drawing off to the side of the board, pinned unevenly and overlapping other drawings from lack of space on the wall.

That one. Thats the one I want.

She thinks, going up to it and gently tracing her finger on the sketch. Carefully taking it down, she studies the beautiful butterfly tattoo, and how its sketched perfectly to every edge.

She looks up at the three boys, one with orange hair and the other with blonde staring her down as she walked gingerly towards the grey haired man now reorganizing equipment at his station.

"H-hello. Can I get this tattoo." She spoke quietly, getting all nervous. There's a slight reluctance in her mind but nonetheless, she decides 'screw it' and didn't back away.

The man turns around in his spin chair and looks up at her. And suddenly, she's breathless. His piercing gaze struck her, a smirk slowly climbing onto his face.

"Sure, baby girl. Lay here." He pats the recliner next to him, and she obliged. "What's your name?" He asks smoothly.

"Minji" she replies, but it sounds like a shy whisper.

"Well, Minji-ah, where do you want it?" He says, taking the sketch from her hand. She takes a moment to reply. "This tattoo works on the arm, back, stomach, chest, side-"

"Side. I'd like it on my side, please." Minji decides. He smirks, "Good place to pick." He places the drawing on a little table next to him and prepares his ink gun.

"Could you remove your jacket and shirt?" He asks while he prepares everything.

She's alarmed by his question and suddenly she regrets picking her side. He turns back around in his chair, looking at her with a waiting stare.

"R-right." She stutters, slowly slipping off her coat and reluctantly peeling her shirt off, immediately wrapping her arms around herself.

That same smirk from before stays present on his plump lips, if anything, it widens as he sees her nervous demeanor.

After a moment he takes the gun, "lay down slightly on your side." He subtly brushes his glove-covered hand on her waist.

"Tch." A scoff comes from behind him. "Can you stop attempting to flirt with the damn costumer, Jimin-ah." Says the orange-haired man.

'Jimin' rolls back a bit in his chair, turning to face him. "Not like you can, Hyung." Jimin, fired back calmly.

"Why you little-" The orange haired man begins to stand and charge towards Jimin before the blonde behind him grabs the back of his shirt with quick instinct, all the while still looking through his phone.

"Hoseok hyung," the blonde sighs, "Please sit down." Hoseok follows his word, glaring a hole in the back of Jimin's calm, unbothered figure.

Why is see always so calm, so smooth? So.... seductive?

"Sorry about that, lets get started." Jimin says, turning on the ink gun and begins to go towards the skin of Minji's side. But before he can even touch the skin, she stops him.

"Wait!" He freezes, looking a little impatient. "What is it?" He asks.

"I-I'm sorry. This is my first and I'm nervous." She adjusted the shirt that she covered her chest with. A pink tint rushes across her cheeks at her obvious inexperience.

He nods in understanding and chuckles, "I'll go slow then, don't worry." He pushes me back to settle into the chair and tries again, this time she allows him to take the needle and inject the ink into her skin.


-first person switch-

"All done." Jimin speaks, the whirring of the tattoo gun turning off.

"Keep the bandage on for a couple hours or more. Avoid getting it wet and try not to walk around with it uncovered or you'll get an infection." I nod, keeping everything he said in mind. He hands me a slip of instructions and rolls his chair back.

"Thank you." I slip my shirt back on, grabbing my coat and jumping off the recliner.

"Anytime, baby girl. Come back again if you feel like getting another one." He winks, flustering me at the abrupt flirt.

I walk on my way to pay for my tattoo when for one second i'm standing upright, and the next i'm dipped over as a hand grips my waist.

"What the-" My eyes meet a boy whos smirking down at me. "What do we have here?" He says with a deep voice, standing me up again.

"Hyung, shes a costumer. Leave her alone. She'd want me better anyway." That blonde appears once again, taking my hand gently and kissing it. My mouth opens in shock at the confident two men in front of me.

I draw my hand away from the blonde and back away, flinching uncomfortably. "Look! You made her scared." Jimin sighs, taking my hand and dragging me away from the two boys.

"I'm sorry about them. Here, have the tattoo free, since it was your first." Jimin suddenly caresses my chin. "I hope to see you again soon, Minji-ah~." He whispers seductively, leading me to the door hurriedly.

"Bye bye!~" he waves me off, slipping a neatly folded paper into my hand before pushing me out the door, leaving me in confusion and a slight spin in my head.

actually it's edited now
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