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What's up guys? Remember that story I told y'all I was working on? Not 'the eyes of the public' but the other one? You probably don't. . . How about that chapter where I accidentally put the name 'Ahmed' in my 'trust you' book? Ah, I bet you remember that. Well, this book is the reason why I did.

This book is going to be filled with the following:

-Comedy: you guys are going to see my funny side through this book. At least I found this funny so I hope you all do to.

- Frustration: your going to get super duper frustrated at one point. Well, I mean I did. I got frustrated with my own characters. Let's see how you guys will cope with them?

— Annoyed: this might annoy you. My characters aren't perfect. They are who they are and sometimes I hate that about them ugh. But you can't change them lolll.

—Happy/ relieved: you'll feel very glad around the end. I don't know if it'll put you in tears but I hope it do. Anyways, thanks for reading this part if you did ;) happy reading!!


We all know that story.

That story where there's a girl. A normal regular 'average' teenage girl who goes to school and gets picked on, teased and treated like garbage.

Well, I'm that girl.

I've been that girl since the ninth grade. There was never a proper reason as to why I would get picked on but the best reason I can even come up with would most likely have to be— because I'm different.

Different in the way I live. Different in every way possible. I would hate to describe myself as 'average' but that's exactly what I was. Average.

I didn't bother anyone I was usually alone. I did everything on my own for the past three years at this school. No friends, no acquaintances. I would stand out because of the way I dressed, my attitude and my all too famous verbal defence skills. Words don't usually hurt me, but my words hurt others.

And I guess that's why no one really likes me. Or just doesn't want to associate with me because I was way too honest with my mouth. I spoke about them based on my opinion. Usually I would get physically pranked but I would immediately shoot back with my words. And then the attacker would suddenly feel like they've been attacked and would leave.

Long story short, I'm popular. Popular for being a freak. Weird right?

That's why when I walked in the school, everyone's eyes were on me.

Mixtures of bright brown, dark brown, green, blue, all types of eyes just staring at me. By now I should be used to it but I still feel awkward under their gaze, like there's always something to look at when they see me.

There was something different about these stares, something different about the way they looked at me. It was like pure amusement in their eyes, like there was something they weren't telling me. Something that they knew, and I didn't.

I shifted my feet and fixed my shirt awkwardly as I walked through the silent hallway, everyone's gaze fixated on me.

I walked to my locker, the faces following me, and their whole bodies shifting to face me with expectant eyes. What? There was nothing here and nothing interesting about a girl opening her locker.

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