Update on my life (52)

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That night when I came home, I felt like I had just been proposed to. Oh wait—I did.

I walked back to the foster home with the ring on my finger and a very happy smiley face. As soon as I opened the door, I was welcomed with all the foster kids who had their arms folded across their chests. They looked mad for some reason and I didn't know why.

Well that was before I saw Calivara.

"Midnight," was how she started this little interrogation, "You come home at midnight."

I was a little too happy to get a reaction from these guys. I couldn't care less if I hurt their feelings because I came home a little late. I mean, it's just two hours late anyways.

"Give me a break," I rolled my eyes, taking my jacket off and putting it on the hanger, "I'm just two hours late."

"Next time you won't have to be late," Said Calivara as she took a pen out of her pocket and the clipboard in her hands, "Because you're off the list for tomorrow and next weekend."

Oh wait hold on she can't do that. I'm supposed to see Ahmed next weekend. We were supposed to hang out, "You better put my name back in there lady."

She chuckled evilly, "We have strict rules."

"There's a reason why I was late!" I protested. Honestly I'll do whatever it takes to be able to go with Ahmed next weekend. He wanted me to meet his mom so we can talk about..you know, marriage shit. And girl stuff. Or whatever.

Calivara folded her arms across her chest, "No excuses, Emerald. You're being punished—"

I quickly pulled my hand up and flattening it in front of her eyes. The ring was sitting there comfortably, so beautifully on my finger. Man, I probably loved the ring more than I love Ahmed. This ring isn't even that girly it's not even that amazing. It's real silver and it's shiny as fuck. That's about it.

   I love this man. Like I don't think anyone understands, I fucking love this man. He wants to marry me like who wants to marry me? Who wants me to have their children and who the fuck wants to put up with my bullshit forever? Like, I just...I don't get it. He's a brave guy.

Calivara gasped, along with the other kids. She quickly took her glasses off and approached me, going down the stairs so she can look at it at a better view. I can see her eyes slowly cross as she got way too close to it, "Good heavens!"

"There's no way."

"Is that a ring?"

"On the ring finger?"

"She did not just get proposed to!"

Different reactions were heard from all across the room. I can see Calivara take a napkin out of those pockets of hers and wipe the little sweat that started to build up, "You're not even eighteen. You're too young."

I shrugged, "Turning eighteen in a few days."

I can see Calivara slowly rub her glasses against her napkin before putting them back on and fixing her composure, "Well—proposals don't take two hours of your time."

I can see Doris push through the crowd of kids by the door. She was glaring hardly at Calivara, "Madam, the girl just gotten proposed to. Instead of being a grumpy old lady, how about you be happy for someone else for once?"


"She's a married woman!"

"Let her go!"

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