He looked at me (37)

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I can't believe this woman right now. It's hard to even look at her as a principle. Is she really trying to tell me to look at her as a mother?

I found myself sitting down on the chair in front of me, not exactly aware of how long I was staring and how my legs started to hurt from shifting too much.

"Tell me one thing." I put my index finger up, indicating that I was about to speak, "Why did you treat me unfairly all these years? And why did you let Avery ruin my high school years for me?"

It was a sincere question. Why did she love Avery more than me? Why did she abandon me and take care of another kid that she got peignant with just a month after? Does she not think that I'm worth it? What's wrong with me?

Avery's mom sighed, holding it together. I don't know what her problem is, it's a simple question. I'm not having her attitude.

She didn't look one bit sad or regretful for how she's been treating me. She's such a monster.

"You were born at an early stage in my life." She shrugged like it wasn't a big deal, "I was supposed to abort you but it was too late. So I was planning on putting you up for adoption. Then your dad refused and took you in instead."

A part of my body warmed up from how she described my dad and how he refused to put me up for adoption. It just made me hate him a lot less.

I was supposed to be aborted? I wasn't even supposed to be here? Fuck.

Wait—Did she just dodge my question?

"I don't care about that. You didn't answer what I asked."

"And What is it that you asked?"

"Why you're discriminating against me."

This woman was good. Even though she's proven to be my biological mom, I don't consider her as that. I consider her as Avery Mcfuckson's fucked up pussy mama who think she can talk to me like we're the same age. That's who I consider her as.

Her mom took a deep breath, watching me intensely, "We aren't discriminating against you."

I smiled, "Bull shit."

"Look there's a lot to explain—"

I stood up, tired of all this bullshit. You know what, I've had enough. I've gone through way too much just to find out some answers. Maybe it's better if I didn't know. I don't really care if Avery and this bitch hates me. I could use a good trip to the mosque right now.

I didn't even bother listening to whatever she said when I was about to leave the room. Suddenly, her voice became louder as I had my hand on the doorknob.

"Emerald, it's not you, it's your dad." I heard her say, and I paused thinking about it.

The fuck does she mean?

I turned around, getting her attention "Keep my dad's name out of your mouth—"

"We were dating." She Interrupted me.

I don't really care about their past life. Like at all, I don't care if my dad and her were dating and you know what I think I'm better off not knowing about my dad's past relationships, he's been good on his own.

"We were dating for two years. He was graduating before me. So we made a promise that we were going to wait for each other before we planned to get married." She said so casually, like the whore she was. I bet she's been through situations like this more than once.

I stayed facing the door, my back turned. I don't know why I felt like what she was telling me was going to be interesting but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested. So I turned around to finally look at her.

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