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Remember this is unedited! I'm trying hard to update everyday and at the same time cram a bunch of work together when I can. Thank you for reading if you are :)

I waited for the period to end. The clock needed to hit twelve.

My fingers were tapping on my desk uncontrollably as I watched the clock. Next period was maths with two people I needed to see more than ever. It's crazy how the first thing I think about is Fatima an d Ahmed and how they share the same religion. When I walked into class this period, people stared at me and my cuts. They watched my injuries like it was in a museum. On a regular day I would have gotten really mad and cussed them off for taking pictures of me and staring at me like I was a frame, but I had my mind on more important things.

Come on, come on.

Almost there. Almost. . .

The seconds on the clock were driving me insane. I was doing all types of weird stressful things. I was biting my nails, shifting in my seat, clicking and unclicking my pens. I was so eager to leave the class, I just couldn't wait any longer. That's what happens to me when I get curious. I practically kill myself trying to find answers. But then I'll never end up finding answers because I'll already be dead by then. They say curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction could bring it back.

Five more.

Four, three.



The bell rang and I jolted in my seat, my chair falling behind me. I gathered my things in my hands before pushing through the crowd and running in the hallways. Multiple people would yell at me and throw insults as I pushed pass them but the most I can do is apologize on the way. Some of my papers flew across the hallway, hitting some kids in the face but that earned a lot less insults.

Reaching my class, I was breathing heavily. I made sure to get to maths class extra early so I can go and sit in the seat next to where that girl Fatima sits so I can talk to her during class. I had so many questions for her, I just didn't know where to start.

I dropped my bag next to a seat I'm not used to sitting at and myself on the chair. The classroom was empty and no one was here except Ms. Sullivan. When she heard the chair squeak, she shit up in her seat, shocked that someone was already here knowing that the bell rang seconds ago.

I waved awkwardly st the teacher as she smiled at me, "On time I see?"

I nodded and looked away. When Fatima gets here, what am I going to ask her first?

Hey Fatima. Your Muslim right? Tell me about Muslim boys, I'm just curious.

What's up Fatima! Long time no talk. I was wondering, why can't muslim boys look at girls in the eye?

Fatima, how are you doing? I was just wondering things about your religion you know? Totally normal, people wonder about religions all the time! So about Muslim Boys. . .

I didn't realize that the classroom was already beginning to fill up. The two people I've been begging to see the whole time still hadn't come. I was tapping my fingers on my desk, biting my nails. Don't be weird, would you? Ask Fatima nicely, don't creep her out.

There was a human figure standing right above me, his hands on his hips and his lips sticking out. He pushed his glasses further up his nose and stood in a crooked posture that made me chuckle automatically.

This must be Fatima's seating partner. Well that's too bad. She's sitting with me today, possibly tomorrow and most likely forever.

I motioned to my old seat, "You can go sit over there."

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