Chapter 14: Khalid

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I didn't know what to feel.

I stood in the empty space that was filled with Normani's car just a few moments ago. I didn't know how long I stood there, I had lost track of time. All I could think about was how I messed up.

I fucked up.

The wind was starting to pick up, and it was beginning to get dark once my mother's car pulled in the driveway.

"Khalid, why are you standing in the driveway?" She asked.

"She's gone," I mumbled.

"You're shivering, son" my uncle said, walking up to me and giving me a pat on the back. "How long have you been out here?"

I looked at my uncle, who sported a large smile. How could he be so happy?

"Come on, let's get you indoors," my mother prompted, taking my hand and guiding me inside. I just stared at the television that was on Netflix, waiting for a movie to be selected. The movie I was going to watch with Normani.

My uncle followed after us with his bags, looking at me concerned. "You think he's okay?"

"Yeah," my mom replied. "Let me just give him something to eat. Are you hungry, Khalid?"

I shook my head.

"You must be tired. Go rest."

Like a robot, I stood up and slowly walked to my bedroom. I sat on my bed and stared at the wall. On there were pictures set there systematically by Normani. There were pictures of us at the beach, at our first concert, when we shared our first kiss...

Who knew love would hurt this much?

I looked to my left and noticed the small bear Normani got me for my birthday, the memory still fresh in my head.

"Open it," she pressed.

"What is it?" I asked cautiously.

"Just open it," she smiled, handing me the box.

"Happy birthday!"

I opened it and a small bear was inside of it. It was brown, sporting a #Kharmani shirt. I looked at Normani who smiled.

"Open the necklace it's wearing," she pressed.

While opening the necklace, a note fell out.

'khalid, remember this when I'm not near you. Hold this bear close to your heart and I will always be there.
Yours forever and always, Mani xx'

Normani leaned over and kissed me softly on the cheek. I could never get rid of the way she smelled. Like honey and expensive perfume.

A knock sounded on my door.

"Come in," I yelled, still staring at the bear.

"I thought Normani was staying for dinner," my mother said, sitting on the edge of my bed.

I shook my head.

"Did something happen?"

I nodded.

"Did you guys break up?"

I grabbed the small bear and held it close to me. It smelled just like her... I couldn't help but feel the hot tears roll down my face. I was crying.

I have never cried over a girl before.

"Oh, honey," mom said, giving me a hug. "What happened?"

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