Chapter One: Khalid

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"I love you," she whispered to me as I held her close. "I love you so much Khalid."

"I love you too, Normani." And with that, our lips touched.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I got up grumpily, looking at my alarm clock and seeing that it was 6:45 in the morning.

Another day of hell. Yay.

Honestly the only reason why I haven't asked my mom to switch me out is because of the fact that I want to see Normani.

Oh, yes. Normani. The chocolate goddess with the long legs and dark hair. The beautiful girl that haunts my dreams at night and clouds my every thought during the day. I've liked her since preschool. I've wanted to be with her since as long as I could remember. And now, seeing her grow older, becoming a woman, I honestly wanted more of her.

A knock sounded on my door. "Khalid wake up sweetie. You have to go to school," my mother said.

"I know, mom. Thank you," I yelled back while getting up and walking to my closet to pick out clothes. I settled on a white t-shirt and jeans and went out of my room to go to the bathroom.

I got to see my girl that wasn't my girl that day, and I was so excited. I mean, she might have not known who I was but I still got to gawk at her.

After taking a shower and putting on my clothes, I grabbed my bookbag and keys and left for school. I was so excited that I forgot to hug my mother and say my farewell.

Oh well, she'd see me after school.

About twenty minutes later I pulled into the parking lot of Houston School of Performing Arts. I was a senior, by the way.

As I was going to class, leaving my locker, I saw Normani and her friends, Lauren, Dinah, and Ally. There was a rumor going around that she and Dinah were dating, and everyone thought she was a lesbian.

"Hi, Khalid," Ally chirped in a sweet voice as I walked passed them. "Hi, Ally."

I could feel Normani's eyes on me and I didn't know if I should feel aroused or uncomfortable.

"What are you doing after school today?" Ally asked. I looked at the other three girls who had goofy smiles on their faces. Well, all except Normani, who was sporting a frown.

Can I kiss those plump lips and make her smile?

"Um...," I began. "I actually decided to work on my music after school today."

"Oh," Ally pouted. "That's too bad. I wanted to see you." She winked, and a blush crept on my face at the innuendo.

"I um...," I stumbled.

"Don't worry about her, Khalid. I'm better," Lauren said with a smirk.

"Shut up, Lo. You have a boyfriend," Ally snapped.

"More like a sugar daddy," Dinah mumbled and then laughed to her own joke.

Lauren gasped. "How dare you talk shit about my man's age!"

They then all started bickering except Normani, who held so much power in her presence that all she had to do was hold up her hand and all the girls went silent. They all looked at her and then she said in that heavenly voice, "Guys, we need to go practice for the Mid-Year Show."

Ally clapped excitedly. "Can we perform Bridges? Please, it's my favorite!"

"We'll see, Allyson," Dinah said while grabbing Normani's hand and walking away. I couldn't help but feel a tinge of jealousy once I saw Dinah's arm around my girl. I just wanted to be with her, and hold her. But I was just a nobody. I was someone she'd never think about.

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