Dying Dreams

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Chapter 7

-Raihana Malik-

I reached my room within a few minutes. A couple hours later Arezo comes into my room, claiming that Aleena was asking for me. I figured only a few people would. Aleena comes over too, she almost started crying when she saw my burns. I hugged her tightly and told her that I'd be alright in a few days.

"Raihana," She whispers, sadly. "Oh Allah!"

I retain her, "Aleena, I'm okay."

"How stupid are you?" She scold me. Wait, what just happened? "Are you crazy?"

I frown, "What did I do?"

"What did you do? You put yourself in danger!" She yells causing me to lean back from her. "Calm down, Aleena. I already told you that I am alright." I remind her.

She takes a seat on my bed and takes her phone out of her pocket, laying it face down on her lap. "Has Aaron called yet?" She asks curiously.

I shake my head, once again upset. "No, he hasn't."

She places her hand on my thigh, calming me. "He was roaming around the school all day. He was looking for you."

I was taken aback by her words. He was looking for me? I realize that he probably thinks of me like a coward for not showing up at school. I frantically look around my bed for my phone, but frown when I remember my dad taking it away.

I ask Aleena to use hers, without hesitation she lets me. Quickly putting in his numbers, I wait for him to pick up. Only he doesn't. I assume that he will call back himself so I decide to not jump to conclusions.

I hold back my ambition. For three whole days I remain without Aaron's call. After those days I figure that he's moved on and forgotten about me.

My right foot has completely healed. My left, however, still hurts if I walk on it for too long. But with the help of crutches, I've made my way back into school routine and finally gotten over the fact that Aaron doesn't love me no more.

"I'm home!" I call through the empty looking house. I look at Arezo for a second am shrug while entering the house with my crutches.

I hate this. I hate my life with these stupid crutches attached to me. Earlier, whole schools eyes were on me. Each and every person in that school was staring at me like I was an outsider that didn't fit in.

Not that it effected it or anything... yeah it did affect me. Sigh

"Salaam," I hear my mother greet as the the front door shuts tight.

I clutch my fingers around the handles of the crutches, afraid for some reason. With all my courage in me, I push the supporters away from my body. They land on the ground with a thud. My left foot touches the ground and a pain goes through my body all the way to my heart. However, I overestimated the amount of pain.

I slowly start to walk across the living room, taking baby steps. My mom praises me upon entering the room, "Look at you already walking. I see you'll be ready for Karim's wedding."

Karim is getting married to Muzhda, Aleena's sister. The rare afghan wedding which I am happily attending. I was even asked to help, a very rare occasion. I look up confused, "Are you sure I can go?" I ask.

Raihana | Sequel to NeginaWhere stories live. Discover now