Desperate Love

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Chapter 17

-Arezo Malik-

After telling us the story of my mom and Saiid being captured, I was in tears. The amount of nonsense my mom has been through is devastating.

Raihana reaches into her pocket and takes out a iPhone. I gasp and Caleb's eyes go wide as he immediately tells her to put it away. "Never take that out in public. Ever. You get caught with that you'll get a punishment."


Caleb sighs and looks away from us. "You get into a minor incident, you get whipped. If you go further than that, his punishments will increase in pain."

Raihana stands up and exits the room, telling us she was gonna go to the restroom.

"It's cold, here." Caleb holds out a black hoodie for me. Hesitantly, I eventually take it in my hands and slide my arms through the sleeves and bring my head through.

"Thanks." I say quietly.

He nods his head, not looking back to me from his closet. He takes out another clothing article, only this one is a dark blue zip-up jacket. "Give it to your sister."

I take jacket and thank him again. I start walking out of the room but stop at the door, slowly turning around to see his back to me and he's still searching for something in the closet.

Not knowing what else to say, I clutch onto the jacket and refer to the day he left school. "They told me you were gone and I screamed."

He turns his head around, and I feel the tears pile up in my throat. "I wailed, I cried, and I screamed. As loud as I could. I halfway hoped that if you could hear me screaming, wherever you were you would turn around and come back to me."

He wanted to say something, I could see it in his eyes. But I didn't let him. "You didn't say goodbye, and a part of me believed that meant you were coming back."

He stares me dead in the eyes. "You shouldn't have thought about me like that. I'm a murderer."

I slowly start walking back to him. "You allow the world to think you're a heartless murderer." I tell him. "And you're not."

I caress his jawline, his hand immediately removes mine from his face and steps back with a laugh, exactly once laugh, his eyebrows lift in surprise. "No," he says. "I'm afraid I'm just the regular kind of murderer."

He has this look in his eyes that makes me wonder, how many people has he killed? And then this grin that makes me realize, he's probably lost count.

"You're not a murderer." I whisper for only him to hear. I slowly whisper, almost to myself, "you're the love of my life.

He grabs my waist, pulling me closer to his body he looks deep into my eyes and let's me get lost in his. He looks at my lips while biting his own before looking up to my eyes again. He grabs my face gently, then leans in slowly and kisses me.

My head feels dizzy when I pull away from him a few seconds later.

"I'll go give Raihana the jacket."

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