Nightmare As Real As A Daydream

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Chapter 15

-Raihana Malik-

"What the fuck am I supposed to do with two teenage girls?" I hear a sharp voice screech.

"Why are you asking me?" A feminine voice follows.

"You were once a teenage girl."

"And I want to block the experience from my mind!"

I force my eyes to open. Two figures stand with their backs faced to me. They're working on something that's displayed out on a long metal table. Along with the table, the walls also look a grey color and the room has little lighting which makes it even scarier. I see a row of guns hung up on those walls, giving me the chills.

I look beside me and I see Arezo's body tied just as mine. I catch her pleading stare but sadly can't tell her anything because of the duck tape over my mouth. I nod my head towards the two unaware people, she shrugs cluelessly.

Where's Aaron?

As I turn back I am face to face with a lady. My eyes go wide and my mouth would be hung open if it wasn't for the duck tape keeping it shut.

She smiles wickedly before straightening her posture and walking back to the other person, presumably the male I heard her talking to earlier.

"They're awake." She tells him.

I wait impatiently for him to turn around and settle my wild imaginary suggestions on who this person might be.

He turns around, his face doesn't look like a criminals. But then again, what is a criminal supposed to look like, anyways?

"Tell Caleb to untie them." His voice is deep as well.

Caleb, such a familiar name...

Almost immediately, she calls for this Caleb at the top of her lungs. His face is covered by his dark hood. He nods at the man, who orders him to untie us.

He must be crazy to think I'll casually sit here and wait to be killed by some Mafia kidnappers.

Caleb pulls his hood down because it was preventing him from seeing. After a good three minute stare, I finally remember that he was in our freshman class the same year as Arezo. My mind goes wild at the thought of Arezo and Caleb being the same age.

They look so different.

Arezo, surprisingly looks like she knows him perfectly well. The way she looks at him reminds me of the way I used to look at ... Aaron.

Where the hell is Aaron?

Caleb stands in front of the chair Arezo is tied up in for a few seconds before ripping the duck tape off her mouth. She yells out in pain and clutches her fists.

"If your gonna kill me let me eat cake first!" She yells immediately.

I mentally facepalm myself, is that the first thing you come up with?

"Keep your mouth shut and no one will kill you." He explains to her while kneeling down by Arezos legs first and untied them, and then her hands.

Raihana | Sequel to NeginaWhere stories live. Discover now