A Simple Game

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Chapter 12

-Aaron Javid-

Never in my life would I believe them, if someone told me I would watch Raihana getting engaged to my own brother.

I see them both in a serious conversation while they're in the stage. Out of nowhere, Anwar intertwines his fingers with Raihana's.

I expect her to remove her hand, but she doesn't. Her hands stay tightly locked with his while her eyes stare up at him.

Raihana's mom and dad are next to arrive at the stage. I don't hear what they're talking about but I do see tears in Raihana's eyes. Her parents hug her tightly, her dad kisses the top of her head approvingly.

My eye twitches just watching her dad be so kind towards her. I hate watching Raihana hide her anger towards her dad and play her role like a pawn in his hands. She deserves the chance to love, she shouldn't be forced to marry someone she just met.

I stare at her through the curtains in, hoping for a reaction. But I don't receive one. They talk for a while and accept the congratulations from different women. Soon, Tahira tells them that it's time to eat. They are taken to a different room to have their meal together.

I realize that I'm acting like a stalker and make my way to the men's room. If someone noticed me in the ladies hall there would be serious consequences.

While my fork scraped against the plate with the dessert, my mind fills with awful thoughts of Raihana and Anwar... together.

It hurts my heart, trying to understand why Raihana would do me like this. I honestly thought she would fight for us. But I was wrong, she is happy with Anwar and I won't be the one to come in between their love story.

My love for Raihana has not vanished, nor will it ever. But seeing her smile while talking with Anwar made me realize that her love belongs to someone else. Someone who is better than me. Someone who deserves to be loved and cherished.

As they come back from the other room, I sense some sort of tension between the couple. I decide to leave it alone, at least for now.

My friends were playing Mafia, and I decided to watch because they have already started a new game.

The setting is a once peaceful town which has been invaded by the dark forces of corruption - the Mafia.

The Mafia's sole purpose is to murder the productive citizens in their bed. They have free reign of the town at night, but by day they appear to be normal citizens.

Everyone discusses who might be in the Mafia. Eventually, a vote is called and the unlucky candidate is run out of town. As they are run out of town, the player gets to make one final statement.

The first person thus removed from play becomes the Moderator. Also known as, Karim.

"Night falls, everyone goes to sleep." Karim says and on cue everyone closes their eyes.

"Mafia awakes." Karim instructs again. This time, two guys open their eyes. Silently, they point at a player and decide who to murder. They close their eyes again.

The moderator tells the sheriff to awake, and he does. The sheriff then points at a suspect. The Moderator nods " no" because he is innocent. The Inspector then closes his eyes. He was wrong he knows another innocent.

The doctor awakes next, he points to the person he chooses to save. The person he chose was also the person who was picked by the mafia, the person survives the night.

Once that game is finished, I also get to be included. And we play a simple game of mafia, not knowing what will happen.

I look out of the curtain and Raihana and Anwar are still on the couch with glum faces. I look around and decide to help Anwar out. I walk up to the stage and give Anwar a hug. I next walk to Raihana and give her a kiss on her knuckles and slowly say, "welcome to the family, sister in law."

She squeaks out a "thanks" and her cheeks turn red. The music turns on and I lead them into a dance on the dance floor. When they smile at each other and everyone's attention turns to them, I quietly walk out of dance.

Everyone seems pleased with my act of kindness, and that is what I was going for.

"It was Raihana, wasn't it?" Karim says when I am back in the men's room.

"What?" I blink.

"The girl from my wedding, it was Raihana."

"No, of course not." I scoff at him.

Of course it was...

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