Oh, Romeo

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Chapter 8

-Aaron Javid-

"This one - no, this one." My cousin, Karim holds up two ties and shows them to Anwar and me. Before either of us give him our opinion, he growls in frustration.

Anwar places his hands on Karim's shoulders and tells him to calm down. He flares at Anwar. "How on Earth can I possibly calm down when I'm getting married tomorrow?"

I chuckle while standing up to help him. "Dude, it's just marriage. You'll be fine, trust me." I encouragingly state.

He falls down onto the bed, sighing. "What if I'm not good enough for her. I mean, look at her; she's everything a man can dream for, and then look at me, a turd!"

Anwar looks deeply into Karim's eyes. "She doesn't want a rich man, a handsome man, or even a poet. She wants a man who understands her eyes if she gets upset." I stare intensely as he continues, "When a man says 'I accept' he agrees to accept the responsibilities for providing for his wife, loving her, and protecting her. Do you accept, Karim?"

Karim smiles, understandingly. He stands up and gives Anwar a side hug, "I do accept." They soon let go of each other, smiling happily.

The house is full of our relatives. Aunt, uncles, cousins, so many people that I haven't seen in such a long time. We head downstairs where there's a cacophony of sounds accompanied by Afghan music playing behind their conversations.

We three look at each other for assurance of what to do. I shrug, going to the kitchen. I grab a glass bottle of soda from the fridge and pop the top off on the counter. Anwar snatches the bottle from me, stoping me mid drink, a little bit of soda spills.

He smirks while taking a sip, "How's your babe?"

I huff in anger. "She's not my babe." I leave the kitchen, forgetting about my drink. On the way through the door I bump into one of the many cousins. I mutter a sorry and continue to find Karim.

No luck. I might as well just stand on a chair and yell out, "Karim, where the hell are you?" But I don't.

I take a seat on the couch, hoping that Anwar wouldn't follow me. Of course, how weird that he sits his ass in the seat next to me. I roll my eyes as he asks, "How come, Romeo?"

Before I get to reply, my sisters take a seat on the other end of the couch. I groan at what's coming for me. "What happened?" Farrah, my older sister asks while cradling her baby son in her arms. I shake my head, "nothing."

Anwar smirks and spills the beans put to them. Their mouths hand wide open after they find out about my love. "You.. you... Haram..." My younger sister, Tahira, hisses at me.

Farrah slaps the back of her head, careful not to drop her baby. "Whatever. Aaron, why the sad face then?"

"She doesn't love me. I already told you." I restate for the millionth time.

Anwar sighs and places the bottle on the cofffee table. "Your an idiot, you know that, right?" He asks. I raise my eyebrow in confusion, "How so?"

"Dude, you've gotta fight for your love. You've gotta fight for her." He punches my arm playfully. "Screw the rest."

I sigh, "You make everything seem so... easy."

"Be an optimist, kid. Being such a bum will lead you to no good."

"How can I be an optimist?" I turn to face him and decide to tell them the whole story. I take time to resume our whole love story, telling every last bit. Yet, I never said Raihana's name. Not intending to, I referred to Raihana as 'her' through our whole conversation.

"I got scared and left. He threatened to call the police and I got frightened and thought he actually would." I finally finish my fairytale.

"Aaron, as I see the situation, it's clearly visible that she had no other choice but to keep silent. I mean, would you say something against dad when he's in rage?" He defensively says.

I look down, shamefully. "No, I guess not."

"Oh cheer up, you said she'll be at the wedding tomorrow. Right?" Tahira asks curiously. I nod my head and her face lights up, "Well, then, tell her how you feel again and then we'll see what she says."

I laugh mockingly, "Yeah, and what if her dad sees me again? Yeah no jail isn't 'just a room' anymore."

Farrah sighs irritatedly. "You're so annoying."

"That's why you love me." I comment.

I listen into the song playing in the background and the guys Afghani dancing around Karim, embarrassing him. Anwar follows my gaze and raises me up with him, going over to where the music is playing through a gigantic speaker.

We stay astray from the rest while they spin in a circle around poor Karim, dancing to Tu Ki Mori By Khalid Kayhan.

Tu ke mori ma yom chashm da rahe tu

Khod baghbaan besazom az baraye tu

Hamo roze ke az safar beyayi

Khoda par par konom dar farshe rahe tu

One of the many guys grabs me and Anwar both by the arms and spins us into the never ending circle of dancing. Anwar shrugs and starts moving around with the rest of them, as do I.

Soon I'm loosing myself in the music and forgetting all about Raihana.

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