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Jimin POV

"Jimin-ah !! Hurry up please !!" I heard my father yell from tge kitchen.

I was born in a poor family who does chicken deliveries as a living. Even though I am in college I still helped every night. I was grateful. Even being poor my parents supported my dreams and sent me to college. We all know it's very expensive. But they still did their best to give me the best education.

"I'll get going appa !!" I screamed while getting out of the eatery and hearing a 'Be safe' from my mother.

I looked at the address given to me. It was that club again. I hated going there. There was only rich people getting drunk over nothing in that club. Not only were they drunk, they were also perverts.

They would grope my ass for I don't know what reason and I hated it. Why would they even do that ??! [ author: They all love the Jibooty 😏]. I still had to go there. I needed to support my family after all.

The delivery was for those in the VIP room again. They were supposedly the most handsome and richest boys. I didn't care. I only cared about personalities. That's all. They of course didn't have the best.

The club stank of sweat and alcohol. People were grinding on each other and some were kissing in the corners. Those spoiled kids were dancing like there's no tomorrow. I rushed to the VIP floor. My parents were waiting for me for other deliveries and I had no time to waste.

I follow the directions I was told on phone and I stood in front of six handsome boys sitting around a round table. They were staring at me and it made me squirm in uncomfortableness.

For some reasons they all had a smirk on their face. I couldn't understand why so I just shrugged it off. I bent over their table and placed the chicken delivery. I looked up to see a hazel brown hair boy looking at me with a smug smile. He looked a few years younger than me but was still acting arrogant like hell.

Jungkook POV

I was chilling with my hyung at our club after college. I was pretty pissed off. My parents were trying to marry me off to a boy who I didn't know.

It was the 15th time now that I rejected someone. My parents just can't stop. They keep getting new marriage proposals every two weeks and it's getting harder for me to search for excuses.

"Yah Jungkook-ah how about we play a little game ?" I look at Taehyung, raising one of my brows.

"Game ? Seriously hyung I am not in the mood right now."

"What if I tell you it could get rid of your problem ?" I give his a questioning stare. What could this goofy boy recommend.

"Talk. I am listening."

"Jungkookie I dare you to fake marriage with the next person who will cross this door."

Taehyung was talking with an obvious smirk on his face. It was like if he knew who would pass this door in the next few seconds.

It was still the only solution to my problem. A fake mariage. Why didn't I think about it before. I can't believe this alien thought about that before me.

"Boys...I don't think you should play games you would surely regret in the future.." The mom of our group said and was going to be obviously ignored.

"Shut up old man." I glance at Jin and scoff at his dumbfounded look.

"Yahhhh I am not even this old !!"

"Let's play the game Tae." I answered not paying attention to the whining Jin hyung.

"For once I agree with Taehyung...That could get rid of your problems Jungkook." Yoongi spoke up for his boyfriend and I rolled my eyes at him. Well I also ship them but they are so vanilla they disgust me.

"Heard that you old Jin-hyung ?" Tae teased.

"Yah Kim Namjoon !! Support you beautiful boyfriend !!"

"Princess please let them be they are adults."

Namjoon leaned in and gave a kiss to Jin. He kissed Jin to make him give up on the idea of stopping us and to shut him up without making him angry. It worked with great success.

They were of course dating. Everyone in the group were dating. Namjoon with Jin, Taehyung with Yoongi. Hoseok would sometimes join them. They didn't mind.

"Can we concentrate ourselves on the game now ?"

We all turned our head to the entrance. Just then, a fairy-like small mochi entered the room. He had a delivery man's uniform on and some plastic bags in his hands.

The man was familiar to me. I had seen him several times at college with the hyungs. Pretty feisty, hot and innocent one I should say.

I couldn't help myself but let a smirk appear on my face. This game was way more interesting than I thought. The other hyungs were also interested (except Jin hyung ofc). The cute boy bent his ass towards my face to place the delivery on the table.

'What a nice fake husband I will have' I muttered to myself.

Jimin POV

"Is there something on my face ?" I asked the six men looking at me. They had been staring at me with an amused smile for several minutes. It was kinda creeping me out.

"Hey I am Jeon Jungkook" One of the man said. He showed me a bunny smile. Which I liked of course.

"I have something very important to tell you more like to propose to you. Can I have your name beauty ?" I was a little taken aback by the politeness of that Jeon boy. Let's hope it stays like that.

"I am Jimin...Park Jimin"

"Ok so Jimin. You are going to be my bride." I furrow my eyebrows at his words. I am already hating this guy's guts.

"Um...Excuse me ?"

"Marry me Park Jimin."

Hello !! I hoped you liked my first story 💕💕 Please leave a comment...I really want people's opinion about the story...Don't be shy ☺️ And English isn't my first language so plz excuse any grammatical mistakes 💕💕

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