30K 1K 331

I woke up sore and tired.  Last night was amazing but the pain is unbearable. I turned around to found the place next to me empty.

"He must have gone to work again." I said to myself loudly. The bathroom's door made a loud bang and I turned around,surprised. Jungkook was standing near the door, an annoyed expression clearly visible on his face. My eyes trailed from his face to his hard toned abs. I bit my lips from the view in front of me.

"What's wrong Jungkook-ah ??" I managed to ask even though my heart was beating fast and my lips were quivering. I hate the effect Jungkook has on me.

"Nothing just work."

I just shrugged it off when I heard a knock coming from the front door. It must be one of the boys. I let Jungkook dress up and go to get the door. I was only in my boxers and one of Jungkook's large white shirts. But it was one of the hyungs or Taehyung so it was fine.

I opened the door to see an unknown lady. She was dressed in a fancy pale pink dress and a pearl necklace. She seemed older than me so I bowed and greeted her.
"안녕하새요" (anneyeonghaseyo)

She returned my greetings and smiled at me. "You must be Jungkook's husband" She was smiling fondly at me, revealing a bunny smile.

"Ah...yes. Please come in." She made he way inside and sat on the couch. I ran to our room after quickly saying an "Excuse me". I only now realized that I was wearing almost nothing and that all the hickeys on my neck were revealed. I blushed internally and told Jungkook a guest was here for him.

He went downstairs and I showered quickly and put on some appropriate clothes.

Why didn't I think that the boys don't knock before entering !! I wouldn't have been so naked in front of  guest !! Argh !!

I went downstairs to see Jungkook and the woman talking. I went and sat next to Jungkook silently as the woman smiled warmly at us. Jungkook wrapped his hand around my shoulder and smiled back at her.

"Meet my mother sweetheart" I blushed at the name and bowed to Jungkook's mother again. It wasn't even surprising. She looks exactly as Jungkook.

"Nice to finally meet you Jimin. Jungkook said a lot about you." My eyes widened. Jungkook talked a lot about me ??! That's very...surprising ??

"Just tell him already mom" Jungkook said with slight annoyance in his voice. He was playing nervously with his hands and biting his lips. He was moving his leg with stress and I looked at him with curiosity.

"Ah yes. I know you are Jungkook's husband Jimin but there's something I am not really satisfied with in your mariage."

I started to get nervous. Does she want me to leave Jungkook forever ?? Is Jungkook already bored of me ?? Is Jungkook going to marry someone else ?? Do we have to divorce ?? Tears started coming to my eyes as I questioned myself.

"Don't worry I am not going to separate you both." I looked at Jungkook's mother with clear relief.

"I just don't like the way you both signed papers to get married. I want a real wedding. That's my right as Jungkook's mother right Jimin ??"

She was glaring at Jungkook while talking. I smiled. Jungkook must have stopped her from preparing a real wedding. She looked like she could kill Jungkook from stopping her from preparing a wedding.

"Well I am fine with it...If Jungkook is fine with it to" Jungkook opened his mouth to start talking but was cut by her mother. Wow I love his mother.

"He doesn't have any problem. Tge wedding will be next week then." She slammed the table. "I have preparations to do..Now I wish Jin was not pregnant" he sighed and left quickly leaving me alone with Jungkook.

"Your mother is really nice" I smiled and looked at Jungkook. He instead just stared at me and bit his lips. My smile dropped. He stood and went to his office. Is he angry ??

I followed him and entered his office. It was pitch black. Since when was it so dark in here. I looked around and saw some lighted candles.

He was standing next the candles and started approaching me. He smiled and got on his knees. He took out a deep blue box and put in front of me. He opened it to show a wonderful ring.

"Will you marry me Park Jimin ??"

Tears started flooding my eyes. I was in a state of euphoria. I never expected Jungkook to propose to me. I intertwined my hand in his and whispered a shaky 'yes'

He got up, put the ring on my ring finger and pulled me into a hot kiss. I closed my eyes and let myself drown in the passionate kiss. He pulled away and hugged me tightly.

"I actually wanted to propose to you before my mother came but she is so unpredictable"

I chuckled and hugged Jungkook tighter.  He looked at me and kisses me in my cheek.

"Get ready we'll go on a date." He whispered in my ear before letting me go.

Could anything go wrong now ??

To Be Continued


I proud of you BighitFinally those antis will stop defaming BTS 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕

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I proud of you Bighit
Finally those antis will stop defaming BTS

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