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"Hold my hands tight Jimin you don't want to get lost" Jungkook said and held my hands tightly against his. He was so happy about my pregnancy that he brought me shopping after bawling his eyes out. I never expected Jungkook to be so ecstatic about my pregnancy.

He is already starting to treat me like a porcelain doll and I hate it. Perhaps I like it a little bit. I slightly glanced at Jungkook. He had a wonderful smile on his lips and I am so proud that I am the cause of this happiness.

Jungkook was already starting to buy furnitures and small shoes for the baby. He looked like he was having so much fun that I could not stop him. Now that I think of it Jungkook promised me that I could return to college after our honeymoon. Omg omg I am so excited !!

"Jungkook I'm tired...when sre we going home ?" I ask my legs feeling almost numb from walking for too long. We were at a mall where there were almost no one except for the workers. That was kinda weird.

Jungkook suddenly went onto The his knees and I looked at him confused. He grabbed my hip and started carrying me to the car. I wrap my arms and and legs around him and he got up. I giggled and snuggled my face onto the crook of his neck.

We were going to return back to the penthouse, take our things back home and then cuddle to sleep. The drive home was very silent but the comfortable type of silence.

Jungkook carried me from the car back to the penthouse. His hands were so large and warm I almost melted in his touch. He left small pecks on my lips on the way to our bedroom.

"Do you want to freshen up baby ?" Jungkook asked while caressing my cheeks. I simply hummed in response and he went to take some clothes and a towel for me.

"Let's go discover the other bathrooms." He said honey dropping from his deep voice. He hold my hand and we begin walking down the hallway. I've been craving for some hot and passionate kisses but all Jungkook has been doing us treating me like a glass princess. I am not even that long pregnant.

I pout looking away from him and we entered a room. This master bedroom was even more luxurious than the room we are using. However the bathroom is in the corner of the bedroom itself and the doors are made of transparent glass.

I glance at Jungkook and he has his typical smug smile plastered on his handsome face.

"Go and take a bath and I'll wait for you on the bed." My eyes widened.

(Hope this helps you visualize what I am thinking about 😂)

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(Hope this helps you visualize what I am thinking about 😂)

"What do you mean you'll wait on the bed ?! Go and wait outside the room !!"

"Heh. But I usually wait on the bed...And it's not like I will look at you or anything. I just want a nap from my tiring day" Jungkook answered bored and slumped his body on the bed. That bed seemed comfortable as hell.

"Argh fuck you." I said and went to the bathroom. What kind of bathroom even is this. And on top of that why does he have that in his penthouse.

"Ah before I forget Kook ah. I am returning back to college next week right ??"

"What ?? Not this discussion again. You want to go back to college in this state ??" He said furrowing his eyebrows.

"What do you mean this state. I am only a few weeks pregnant and I'll just leave on my 6th month." I plead.

"No I don't want anything to happen to my baby and I'm sure everyone will see your belly. I don't want my cutie pie to get bullied."

"Nothing will happen Jungkook ah. Pretty please. Please. Please~." His face was as stern as before, not even smiling from my cute faces

"Hmm I'll do whatever you want me to do and whenever you want. As long as I go to college." I said and his face showed interest. I smirked.

"Every single thing you want me to even the dirty thoughts you are having right now." He smirks and pull me on him on the bed. Jeon Pervert.

"Fine. But I'll be with you to every single class. And if I'm not here you are getting bodyguards." He said and I nodded in approval. Bodyguards are not what I want but if he needs that for me to go to school I'll accept. I mean I could always run away from them. Not a big deal.

I join our lips craving for a hot kiss since this morning. His hand roam along my body till my ass and he slowly gropes it and spreads it. I teasingly grind on him and start leaving hickeys all over his neck and jawline.

He groans and as soon as I hear that I get away from him. He might even fuck me right now.

"I am going to take a bath."

To Be Continued.
Like you may have guessed next chapter is smut.
Thanks for reading 💕💕
And also thanks for 40+K
I purple you guys 💜💜💜

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