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Jungkook POV

"Don't touch what's not yours kitten"

Jimin was on the bed. His cheeks were flushed and his eyes were glassy. He was fingering himself with two fingers and playing with his crotch with the other hand. He looked at me with a desperate and lustful look

"Please help me Daddy..."
He moaned out. I was regretting not giving Jimin enough attention these few days. I was making sure that every thing is going to be okay for when he will be going to college. But if that is what I get in return, I would probably ignore Jimin everyday.

I approached Jimin while glaring at him. My eyes stopped under the bed. I saw a pink and black box half open. There was probably more toys in there. I smirked at Jimin and started kissing him. I caressed his crotch and he whimpered.

"This is not yours babyboy" I whispered in he ears and he shuddered. I grabbed the box under the bed and was shook by its content. "Wow" I whispered to myself. Jimin had his eyes closed. I was still caressing his crotch. He had his back arched to the bed's board.

I grabbed the butt plug, its remote control and the leash in the box. I stopped pleasuring Jimin making him whine and open his eyes. His eyes widened when he felt the butt plug enter him. He tried to remove it but I pinned his hands above his head. I took a neck tie from the bed drawer and tied his hand to the bed.

"I need to teach you a lesson for touching my things right babe ??" I turned on the vibrator of the butt plug on the highest mode. Jimin threw his head back and bucked his hips. I slapped his thighs, loving the sight in front of me. I took the leash and attached it to the collar Jimin was already wearing.

"Aaaah" I removed the toy to push it even deeper this time. Jimin was pulling his hand, making red marks in his wrist. I kept on repeating the same action and Jimin could only moan loudly in response. I left him in this state for a few time.

I removed the butt plug out of Jimin's twitching hole and thrusted in him. He moaned in pleasure and arched his body. I trailed my hand in his chest and pinched his overly sensitive nipples. He loves when I touch him like that.

I untied his hand from the bedpost and grabbed it to thrust in him even faster. He wrapped his hands around my neck and his legs around my waist so that I go even deeper in him. I turned him over pounding in him doggy style.

I grabbed his leash and pulled it making him arch his back even more. "More more" I took the vibrator and put it on Jimin's crotch making him whimper and come for the 3rd time. I continued thrusting in him and spanked his ass a few time, loving the red mark left on his cheek.

I came inside of  him and pulled him on me so that he was straddling on my lap.

"Ride me"

"Ah I'm tired daddy"

"Do you want to get spanked sweatheart ??" I growled near his ears.

He started moving up and down, whimpering and shuddering. I slapped his ass a few times to make him quicken his pace. He was bouncing up and down on me with his mouth wide open and eyes soaked with tears. His small dick was pink and he had precum all over his belly.

I groaned and grabbed his hips helping him to keep up with the pace. He tangled his fingers in my hair pulling them a little. He came and I turned him over again pounding in him doggy style. I quickened my pace and came in him.

I let my body fall to the bed's board. Jimin was not moving. He was probably too sore to even move an inch. I slapped his ass making him whine and groan in pain. I chuckled and pulled him to me to cuddle him.

He snuggled his head in my neck and hugged me. I kissed him on his cheek and brought him to the bathroom.

To Be Continued
Sorry for not updating sooner...I had exams and I'm in holidays as from tomorrow !! Oh man holy shit 😂😂😂😂💕💕💕💕👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻

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