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(The Rose in this story is not Rosé from blackpink. I just like that name...)

I wait at the school gate for Jimin. He is competing for his last exam today and I am kind of happy that he won't come back here again. Junhyun just intrigues me so much. He is my brother even if I don't like it and I know how revengeful he is since we were young. I would simply hit him slightly and he returned it way stronger, laughing it off afterwards.

I sigh and lean on my car. We were actually really close before. It pisses me that a slut broke our relationship. Maybe it was not that strong since the start. I frown when I see Rose walking towards me. I know everyone who attends this school and she certainly does not.

"Hey." She says and gives me her hand to shake which I of course ignore. Rolling my eyes, I continue to pretend as if she does not exist and look around for Jimin. She seems nervous as soon as I avert my eyes from her. As result, she wraps her hand around my waist and I stare at her disgustingly.

"What do you want ?" I rasp out and push her away from me. She does not take the hint even after me pushing her and wraps her repugnant hands around my neck. She has the gift of pissing me off seriously.

"I want you oppa." She responds 'seductively' and rapidly blinks her eyes. She brings her face closer to mine about to kiss me but I place my palm on her lips and get her away from me. I don't care about gentlemanliness anymore she's not a woman she's a bitch.

"Fuck off." I almost yell out of anger but that incomprehensible slut just approches me again this time pressing her arms together to make her inexistant boobs look bigger. This shit is going to make me puke.

I completely ignore her rambling when I see Sehun walking out of school alone. I frown. Jimin is usually- well not usually but always with him. There's something extremely wrong here.

"Ya Oh Sehun come here." I call turning my back away from Rose and going to Sehun. I do not miss the irritated stare she gives me as soon as I am no longer looking at her but simply shrugs it off. She is not worth of my attention.

Sehun stops and stare questionably at me. He cross his arms together and squint at me like if he is searching for something. He is always so weird like Jimin. As soon as I am close enough to him he still searches for something but I disregard it.

"Where is Jimin ?"

"Where is Jimin ?" We both ask at the same time and I eyes bulge out of its sockets. What does he mean where is Jimin ?! I clench my fist everything connecting like a puzzle in my mind. That fucking hoe. She was with Junhyun.

I turn around to confront her but she's no where to be seen. Fuck fuck fuck. How could I be so stupid.

"Since when did he go ?"

"For a good 15 minutes. He went running cause you were waiting for him." Sehun answers and I run to my car dashing To Namjin's house. I need their help and maturity. This never happened to me before. I take my phone sending a message to our group chat telling everyone to assemble there because of an emergency. I throw my phone on the passenger seat and drive at full speed to their house.

Calling Jimin would be a possibility but I do not want them to take the phone and break it. That's the only way to connect with him and helping him out of there.

I bang at the door at Jin's place as soon as I reach there. Everyone is already here except Jin hyung. He must be feeding the newborn baby or something. Yes Jin hyung already gave birth.

"What's wrong Jungkook ?"

"Where's Jimin ?"

"Is the baby fine ?!" I do not answer any of them and take a long breath in. I need to calm down and work this out.

"Junhyun took Jimin."

"What ?!"

"Junhyun ?!"

"I thought he was dead !" Taehyung said grimacing making me roll my eyes. He's a dork even in these types of situations.

"Calm down guys. I need your help to get him back."

"Say it." Yoongi answered anger visible in his clear eyes. He is usually very conservative of his emotions but when it comes to hurting his family, there's nothing worst than him.

"Well..." I mind my words because what I could say next may bring problem to Yoongi hyung

"I have the GPS you gave me installed on his phone exactly as you explained to me with the one on Tae's phone and I need your help to operate it." As soon as I say that Yoongi hyung gets up and yell at Namjoon telling him to bring the laptop.

"Why do you have a GPS on his phone you possessive jerk." Taehyung asks, not realizing that he also has one on his phone. I wander aimlessly in the living room. I already know Yoongi hyung will know his location in five minutes max and I feel mentally exhausted but I would not forgive myself if something happened to my husband.

"I had a gut feeling something like this would happen."

"Get the car keys I have the location."

To Be Continued
There's only 5 chapters left and
Thanks for 100K 💜✨💜✨💜✨💜

And from the poll It seems like blood lust won so here's the cover.

I think it's missing some blood ??

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I think it's missing some blood ??

Thanks for reading 💕

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