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A/N: Guys I read the story again just to know what to write and I saw something. There is literally so much smut chapters and I didn't even know. So...What should I do ?? Write more smuts or stop with the smut for now ?? I didn't know I was this perverted. Really ;)

Jimin POV

This penthouse is really really huge. I woke up before Jungkook, wanting to relieve myself by going to the restroom but I found myself lost. I went through 2 kitchens, 5 master bedrooms, 2 normal rooms, a gym and a spa but I still can't find my room. This place should not even be called a penthouse it should be called a maze.

I sigh for the nth time and go to the gym which is the nearest place to me right now. I look at all the treadmills surrounding me. This gym is as extra as its owner. I huff and sit on one of the treadmills which were obviously here for running but not that I care. I start gazing around obviously lost and this time lie on the treadmill completely.

I must say I was only a little bit sore from last night but with all the walking I did my butt was aching as hell. I wait for Jungkook and hope he realize that the bed is empty and do not continue sleeping like a fucking dead person.

"While I am here might also exercise a little" I talked to myself.

To be honest I was a little bit jealous of the six pack Jungkook had. Like how does he even maintain that. He eats the exact same quantity as Jin hyung and if you did not already know Jin hyung is pregnant. Not like he ate a small amount before he got  pregnant actually.  I jump to my legs and try to figure out how to turn on that thing. (A/N: How dirty minded are you 😂😂)

I start running, shocked as the machine just makes some noises after I touched I don't know what button. I grab the two handles at the end of the treadmill to steady myself and run faster.

"Ok I'll stop that's not my piece of shit" I say while gasping, sweat running down my skin after running for like 5 minutes.

I feel a pair of hands wrapping around my waist and I lean towards it knowing it was my handsome husband. Wet and sloppy kisses were left on my neck and I whimper in pleasure. I turn around and wrap my hand around my husband's neck and kiss him passionately. Our tongues dance around together and I moan into the kiss.

"You had a bad dream again ??" Jungkook asked while breaking the kiss. I tilt my head in confusion feeling some of my bangs falling onto my face.

"Nah I don't remember having a bad dream since the one last week." I whisper. I feel a kiss on my forehead and I look up at Jungkook,

"It's okay. If you have another bad dream just wake me up and I'll make the dreams vanish away with cuddles and kisses" Jungkook sweetly reponded. I start leaving kisses all over his face and finally come to peck his lips.

"You look very sexy covered in all this sweat." Jungkook whispered seductively in my ears and nibbled it after words. I feel my face heating up by his words and I hide myself behind the palms of my hands.

We pulls away and Jungkook takes my hands and gives me his bunny smile.

I pale out when I feel my stomach churning and sit down on the floor holding it. Jungkook comes to the same level as me and gives me a worried look.

"I don't feel good Kook. I feel like I need to throw up." I say quickly and grasp Jungkook's white tee. He pulls me up in his arms and quickly runs to the restroom.

I threw up at least 5 times. I am weak and feeble and I cannot even get up from bed. Jungkook jokingly said I am sick because I tried to exercise and I beat the shit out of him. It was not a joking matter !! But still he made an appointment with a doctor at his hospital.

As much as I hate hospitals after dad's heart attack, I need to go. I am not fine at all and it will not get better any time soon. Well that's what my body is saying to me. I hug my own body, extremely cold and I slowly fall asleep.

To Be Continued
As always Thanks for reading 😂💕💕
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