College and ghosts of Cheerleadings past

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College and ghosts of Cheerleadings past.

"Let me get that for you babe" I groan as Wynter suggest he quickly lifts a box for me..again.

"Wynter, I'm not handicapped, I'm perfectly capable of handling.." I take the box away from him and read the label "Teacups" I straight face and and he chuckles taking it back. We were in Boston unloading in our new apartment, freshman usually don't get to live on they're own but Wynters dad had a tiny chat with the principal and now we are renting out this spacious two three story, 2 bath and four bedroom mini condo, for our selves.

I walk in carrying two lamps and see Wynter in what's going to be our kitchen.

"Hey would you like to carry these lamps before I faint from exhaustion" I say sarcasticly and Wynter slaps my ass slightly causing me to yelp in pleasure, I've sort of become masochistic ever since Prom and we act like bunnies every time the chance comes.

"Don't be a smartass Summer, I just want to be your capable manly man. We have practice classes tomorrow yet we still have so much left to unpack" he breaths pressing his soft lips to mines and I moan deeply.

"Lemme be your Super Man Summer" and laugh and grab a bigger box which makes him glare slightly, its cute that he wants to help me out and give me a break or whatever but I'm not some weak chick, I can handle and carry my weight. "Only if you let me be your Super Woman, Boss"

When I called him that his eyes turned a dark green and got lust covered, Wynter rushed over and threw me over his shoulder easily and walked us back to the living room "Deal. I love it when you call me Boss" he kneaded my ass as he walked and I moaned.

Wynter slapped my body on the couch and placed himself between my legs, then strips of his baby blue v neck giving me acecess to his rippling six pack and love handles ooh I love it. Wynter attacks my lips and flips us over so that I'm on top and my hand was about to go in his pants until

"Hello? is anybody oh my!--"

Some one says startled and me and Wynter stop immediately and turn to a girl with natural whitish blonde hair, bold brown eyes and perky pink lips but at the moment she looks flustered and apologetic. "I..I'm so sorry I just heard of the new neighbors and I wanted to umm..brownies" the girl stuttered nervously and I blink when Wynters sighs a little frustrated that she interrupted

"Sorry but Summer is allergic to the-"

"Wynter? Wynter Blake?" The girl says with squinted eyes while mines pop open, how the hell she know my baby? Wynter looks just as confused as me "Ermm do I know you?" he says but secretly I hoped that he didn't which was clearly impossible since she knew his name.

"Silly its me Katrina! Katrina Atkinson from elementary and middle school!" she said with a bright smile and duh tone and in two point five seconds I was pushed off slightly so that Wynter would be able to get up. "Katrina Atkinson? Holy crap girl!" He said with excitement laced in his voice and up and hugged her, lifting her off the ground the way he does me and some thing twitched inside me.

"I haven't seen you since seventh grade! what happened?"

"My grandma got sick so my parents just decided to move us to where she is, she's better now though"

That's great-

I cleared my throat to make my presence known again and I toss Wynter his t shirt.

"Oh um Katrina there's someone I'd like you to meet! This is my girlfriend Summer, ain't she beautiful" he smiles brightly causing me to do the same, I was probably only a tad jealous of Katrina but maybe I didn't have to be. She smirked

"Oh yeah I can definitely tell with the way things were going in here, hi I'm Katrina and how did a cute girl like you pull this idiot" She and I laugh while Wynter pouts "He showed me his love by throwing me in a lake" I say recalling that time Wynters dumb ass threw me in freaking water.

"You don't throw females in water idiot" She glares and punches him in the arm making him let out a shrieking cry "Hey do you want to help out? We can use your brute strength in here" he jokes but my jaw drops he wouldn't even let me lift hangers. Katrina politely declines "Sorry, I have to go to the book store for the rest of my things.

Wynter nods

"So I'll catch you guys later, here are the brownies and I guess I will see you around campus! Nice meeting you Summer Bye!" And she was gone. Not to be mean but I felt a bit uncomfortable with her around but I don't know why, Wynter has had tons of friends as girls besides Amanda, Holli and Emma back home so why was I feeling so uneasy about Katrina?

"Now where were we?" Winnie says putting the brownies down and taking off his shirt again but I halt him "Uh uh, I've lost the mood. I'm going to check out the campus. See if Katrina can come by last minute to help you out since I'm not good enough" I said coldly and went out the door. I'm pissed off.

"Aw baby don't be like that!" I hear his echo but I don't stop, I just need to take a walk around campus. The school is actually pretty big and there are a lot of cafes even a gym which I sure Wynter will be spending most of his Afternoons at, the though made me smile.

I passed by a flyer on a building and had to do a double take.

Join The Team!

Be apart of the Boston Black Hawks Cheerleading squad! Sign ups are now on, try outs ..... from to .... pm. See you there! Go Black Hawks!

And on the bottom was a sign up sheet with a bunch of names already written down but I was nervous, I hadn't cheerlead in so long..I quit it, but I guess it wouldn't be so bad to start again.

"You look constipated" A masculine voice behind me said and I jumped out of my skin and turned around to glare at the person. "Oh my god you scared the shit out of me" I said holding my chest and I man smiled with the cigarette in his mouth, that's a bad habit. He had brown cropped hair and glassy blue eyes. Yes he was handsome but looked a bit older than me.

"Sorry, didn't mean to startle you. You just looked so intrigued by this" The mans accent driped of his lips as he tapped the flyer. "Didn't peg you for the cheerleading type lass" I tilt me head "I didn't peg you as a creepy Irishman, oh yeah I did" I say seriously but he just burst out in laughter and I look both ways to see if he seen something funny. Is he a student here?

"You are too funny, well I best be on my way. Until our paths cross again miss" He winks charmingly and I blush, what he hell was his problem? I sigh and turn around to pick up the signing pen and wrote my name in perfect cursive.

Summer Wilde

I hope this works out

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