Happily Ever After

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"We can't do..I can't do this, whatever this is."

Troye looked up from the work he was doing at smiled then at me and it was creeping me out completely.

"I know." He sighed making me speechless. I stayed after class so we can talk about this, end whatever it was and we can both move on with our lives because reality must come and its that I belong with Wynter.

"Y..you do?" Troye nodded. "Yes I do, Your in love with your high school sweet heart and it won't change for a while. Your heart is still early. Your young heart still in it's place, carefree and joyful, but over time darling. This thing, this evil thing and concept; love. It strays dear. And when the love strays, people captured by it peg on desire and want. Lust.

It hurts them, their peers and the partner. It happens to everyone Summer, and when your heart does stray.."

Troye says numbly brushing his digits across my cheek. "I'll be waiting for you." I slapped Troyes hand away but he just continued to smile at me, like he expected it.

"I'm sorry that happened to you, and I'm really sorry that you started to see love like a game because of your experience with it. Personally, I think your a coward. I think your a coward because your afraid to love like how you did in the past because you don't want a repeat Troye."

"Oh?" He answers dimly, pulling out a cigarette but not lighting it.

"Yeah oh, I hope you find someone good in your life Troye because I know I have."

I told him and started to walk away, seriously I do feel bad because he may have truly like me but I can't reciprocate his feelings. I already feel a type of way with someone else, Wynter Blake. He completes me in every way, some ways I'd never though he could fill.

"It's fine Summer, I'll wait." I stiffened at his words. "Please don't wait long"

"What do you want for Christmas baby?" I shrugged as Wynter asked me this while we were in town. What more could I really ask for? I took care of the home wrecking hussy, cut ties with a fling that was never meant to be, and patched things up as well as clear any misunderstandings with the love of my life.

I was perfect.

Wynter sighed in agrivation making me laugh. "Don't give me that modest 'oh I don't want anything' bullshit Summer. Now tell me." God he was so annoying, I realed my head back.

"If I tell you what I want will you tell me what you want?" I told him and his eyebrows furrowed. "I don't want anything though." I slapped his neck and he smiled.

"Your such a hypocrite, look how about I get you a game." I said pointing at The Xbox and Wii in the Shop store window. "Boys like games and systems right?" Wynter nodded. "True, true. If I didn't already own both of them I'd consider it darling. Haha, try again.

And while you are trying again, let's check and see if you like these.." Wynter dragged my shoulders over to a window that showed off its beautiful crystal earings and I shrug. "But now I know what you want to get me and I don't want earings." Wynter smirked.

"Gotcha. So you do want something." Dammit, he's so freaking sly. I'm trying to modest here but he just knows me to well already.

"Ok fine fine, I want something that will let me know how amazing, sexy, and wonderful you are." I tip toed and kissed his cheek making him blush unexpectedly and I chuckle. Wynter laughed a little and sliped his fingers through mines as we started walking again. "It still sounds like a present for me, but I won't argue cause it would go on all night." Glad he knows how shit will go down if he just don't agree with what I'm saying.

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