Did somebody say Party?

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Did somebody say party?

"You are such a flirt" I laugh at Sunny as she finishes talking to the cashier at a department store we are at In the city. He was pretty cute though.

It's getting colder and I decided to get some winter shopping done with her, while thinking of an idea for my thesis for Eng. Lit. Well I have the idea, its just hard pouting it on paper. I still have ten pages left.

On top of that, there's cheer practice and I'm taking Chemistry 3 which is harder than it looks because we get five labs a week. Plus for art and communications, I have to conduct interviews and read three more books. I'm going to study with Wynter later because he also has a lot on his plate.

"That's not flirting, that's telling him that I'm interested and available"

I scoff

"Yeah, fliiiirrrrtttttiinnnggg" I emphasize as we leave the store.

"Yeah well my little harmless flirting got me invited to a sick party tonight, that guy is a senior at our college" She smirked and winked.

My eyes widened.

"Did you say party?" She nodded eagerly and I thanked the graces of god for sending me Sunny.

Its been so long since I've kicked it back. All ive done is work and deal with drama. And now the time has come, it won't be some high school jump off either.

This is hosted by college seniors. Seniors!

"So I'm coming to right? And bringing Wynter?" I knew he'd love to go to this too. Sunny waves me off.

"Well duh! Just don't embarrass yourself. Once you do something embarrassing here, it sticks to you like white on rice" Ok that builds the pressure.

I am not going to be marked down as lame as fuck. Not me. We gon get turnt as well as make a name for our selves.

Right now, me and Wynter are just that freshman interracial couple.

But what I want us to be is Summer and Wynter, Captains of the Football and Cheer Leading teams who happen to be super mega popular. Sounds great.

A huge wind blows causing my hair to attack my face. Sunny has on a hat so her hair suffering is dramatically cut in half.

"Jesus, I'm from New York and its cray to the mother freaking z over there but this wind is too critical." I say finally fixing myself of the hair in my face. "I thought you and Wynter are from South Carolina?"

"Well, I moved there for my senior year from New York. And I absolutely hated the idea of leaving the city and going to a hillbilly town. But it wasn't so bad, got to know some people and it was really something" I say laughing

I recall all of my past events. Me meeting Wynter.

The town's racist side.

Wynter being in the hospital. Which made my skin crawl with fear. I never want to be in that position again.

"Sounds like you've been through a lot.." She smiles broad at me and I nod "I guess. It was worth it though" I smile.

Sunny opened her mouth to say something but then took a long pause and her mouth stayed open. "Segsihan.." Sunny sighs dreamily and I raise an eyebrow.

I really am going to have to take up Korean.

But I look over to where her orbs are set up and I groan at the sight the then I'm immediately entranced by it.

Open up my eyes and feel

your heart beat.

As we lay with your body pressed

against mine.

And I know, and I know this very


This will be, this will be till the end

of time- I want you to know

This love is more than chemical.

It feels unusual

And I can't get enough.

No oh oh.

My eyes were not straying away from my Eng. Lit. teacher Mr. Caroll. He did look incredibly sexy sitting right by the plaza fountain with an acoustic guitar. His fingers gently playing the object as if it just came natural to him.

Maybe it did.

His voice was much more than I expected it to be. It was smooth and informing yet firm. Something one could listen to all day.

I closed my eyes and took in the rest of the wonderful song.

This love is more than chemical

And we're unbreakable

And we'll forever more

More than chemical.. (A/N: Personally, I love this song Its called Chemical by Kerli)

There were a ton of applauses.

I wasn't surprised.

"My god is that Mr. Carroll?" Sunny asked unbelieving and I giggle at her. "Yup. Let's go make our prescense known. He seems to be already eaten up by the crows"

I say witnessing an entire lot of women egging him on, touching his curls and begging for his phone number. Dayum, they want the D that bad?

"Alright , alright. If you don't to fight me then get to stepping cause I got my sneakers in my purse and the homie to hold my earings." I announce to the flock and they scurried away quickly except for one.


Sunny shouted jumping at her and the lady squealed and ran off clacking her high heels.

"Ms. Wilde and Ms. Valentine, what a pleasant surprise to be scaring off others" He chuckles

"Yeah whatever. They only wanted your dick, I didn't know you played guitar.." I trail off, I always wanted to learn how to play acoustic but never found the time.

"Sometimes I do, whenever I'm bored and fancy a walk off campus I will often bring her with me..Lilo" What a name for abguitar but strangely it suited it perfectly.

"Cute name, well I'll leave you be. Let me know if you get sexed up by some cougar" He smirked widely at me.

"Why? Jealous? Maybe I should teach you sometime Ms. Wilde."

"Just concerned for the poor woman who has to deal with you, c'mon Sunny. We need to get ready for tonight. Maybe." I roll my eyes and leave with Sunny.


We get back to campus and are in Sunny's dorm trying and swapping outfits for tonight.

"Umm Summer."


She looked nervous which was weird cause she's never nervous.

"Are you like..into Mr. Carroll?"

I choke on my spit.


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