Chpt 7.Gaming

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"Games! Games! I wanna play games!" chanted kaida as she ran into the arcade.

Kyran, Yukio, and rose followed in after her while the hosts stood outside the entrance

"An Arcade?" asked the twins.

"A place where commoners go to play games and eat food" explained kyoya as the hosts 'ooohed' in unison making Haruhi sweatdrop.

"Well, let's go inside and have fun the-" said Tamaki but was cut off by an ear piercing squeal.

the hosts ran in to see kaida being carried by an unknown teenager, however, kaida didn't seem to be in any type of trouble, in fact, she seemed more excited than when she went in.

"S-Staph! dat tickles!" kaida says as the unknown teenager blew raspberries on her stomach

"That's what you get for eating my donut!" the teen laughed and continued

The hosts watched in amazement as Kyran, Yukio, and rose seated at a table watching.

"Alright that's enough Bell, put her down, we have customers at the door," said a woman who was watching from behind a counter.

"Alright that's enough Bell, put her down, we have customers at the door," said a woman who was watching from behind a counter

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Bell Looked at the hosts and blushed a little in embarrassment "Oops sorry about that Eina!" Said bell as he set kaida down. He ruffled her hair and flashed a grin at her " To be continued" he told to kaida as he walked over to the hosts

"Welcome to Safe Space, a place where you cant let loose, play games and chow down!, I'm Bell, one of the workers here, nice to meet you!" Said Bell as he flashed a grin at the hosts

"Welcome to Safe Space, a place where you cant let loose, play games and chow down!, I'm Bell, one of the workers here, nice to meet you!" Said Bell as he flashed a grin at the hosts

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"Nice to meet to Bell! I'm Tamaki, king of the host club, and these are my hosts!" said Tamaki making the hosts sweatdrop. 

"King huh? well, we have a king here too! " said bell as he led the hosts to an empty booth

as the hosts sat down they were given a menu alongside a sheet that listed prices for tokens.

"A king, here? what are they king of?" asked Honey.

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