Chapter 1

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[Lorena: So I think a lot of you cringed when they read the unedited chapters T_T. But now we got an editor! An angel *_*]

This chapter was edited by thegirlwithanidea


She blinked once, then twice and finally thrice.

She was really in a hospital but why? The last thing she remembered was going to bed. Did she perhaps fall into a coma?

That couldn't be possible. Well, she wasn't a doctor. She was a fashion designer, so things related to health wasn't her strong suit.

She opened her eyes and sat down but was taken aback the second she looked at her surroundings. Alright, now she was definitely lost. Had she been in a coma so long that everyone had died? Or maybe, she was a victim of a new medical method and after falling into a coma they had kept her until she had woken up, like in these science fiction movies?

The oldest woman in the room snorted and looked down at her.

Now, she was sure that all of her hypotheses were wrong.

"Olivia. You only know how to trouble people." A woman in her forties scowled her.

Transmigration? Was that even possible?

Seeing that the one named Olivia didn't react and just looked back at her blankly, the woman felt her anger arisen by that. "How could you be that reckless?!"

By her words, the woman was worried but by her face, the woman just wished her to die. Did that old slag think she was stupid?

"Next time, pay attention to your body, don't let the kid see his mother being stupid."

She looked at the new voice and saw a man around her age. He wasn't that bad but she wasn't interested. Kid? What did he mean by the kid?

"Alden, you don't need to trouble yourself with her." Another man said.

Oh, so that good-looking man name was Alden. Alright. Well, even if she was married, it didn't mean she became blind.

But first she needed to shut that woman up and she will think about her situation in the future. Couldn't she fall into a protagonist body instead of that of an antagonist?

She looked at the pretty one, a few people could be beautiful in her eyes, blond-haired yet stupid woman. Did that Olivia woman tried to kill that blond woman in the past? Why was she afraid of her?

"Yeah, look at her. She doesn't even look like she regrets her actions."

"Excuse me-"

"Oh, now she can speak! Great!" That woman said with a obvious sarcasm.

First step: Shut that woman's mouth.

Second step? She would figure it out in the future.

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