Missing In Action 12

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Missing In Action 12

*Weeks Later* 

"Perrie! We'll be back were gonna go and get some groceries!" The girls said from downstairs. 

"Ok! I'll be here!" I said back as I was changing Faiths diaper. I heard the front door close. I walked down stairs putting faith in her small rocking chair, that moved slowly by itself. I turned on the little lullaby music that went with it. She was smiling as she tried to grab the little toys that slowly circled about her head. I smiled, letting a small giggle slip from my lips. She was such as happy baby. I suddenly heard glass break from upstairs. I quickly ran upstairs to Eleanor's room. Eleanor was throwing stuff at the wall.

"He's gone!" She yelled as she through a vase at the wall followed by a shrill scream. 

"He's gone!" She repeated. She was screaming as her fingers tangled into her hair, holding her head. 

She quickly grabbed her jewelry box and threw it across the room. I quickly went over to her trying to calm her down. As my hands touched her arms, she fell to the floor crying loudly. I knelt on the floor next to her with my arms wrapped around her, crying. 

"It's okay...everything's gonna be okay." I with my voice cracking. 

"He's gone. Nothing's okay." She whispered as she was crying. 

I tried to be brave, trying to hold my tears in, but it was no use. The tears streamed down my face as if they were racing each other. 

"We're gonna get you help, El..." I whispered. 

"I want Louis..." She whispered. 

"I know..." My voice cracked again. "I know." 

I helped her up from the floor. She had a Spaghetti strap shirt on and shorts. I could easily see the bones of her shoulders and her rib bones shown through her shirt. Her shorts were tied tighter around her boney hips. Her thigh gap got bigger and bigger. She couldn't walk right, because of the lack of nutrients. Her hair lost its brown shiny color. Her face showed her cheek bones more now. I gave her some water, then laid her on the bed. I covered her shivering cold body with the covers. 

She was whispering something under her breath. 

I picked up the broken glass and thrown jewelry from the jewelry box off the floor. I was picking up the broken glass off the floor. Underneath the porcelain glass, I saw something. I took the pieces off. It was Louis's dog tag. I looked at Eleanor, who looked like she was in a trance. I stood up from the ground and walked over to her. I put Louis's dog tag around Eleanor's neck. She stayed in a trance. Just then I remembered Danielle's offer. I began to think. Maybe depression pills will work. Maybe it will save her. 

When The girls got back, I walked down stairs. 

"Girls, I've been thinking about Eleanor." I said picking up Faith from her cradle. 

"I really think we should give her those pills..." I said.

"What?" Sky asked.

"She's getting worse. I don't want her to be like this." I said.

The girls began to think. 

"Probably...thats the only thing that might be good for her." Ness said.

"Do you think we could find some at the clinic?" I asked.

"I already checked. Nothing but pain medicine." Danielle said.

I sighed. 

"I guess we have to go out and get some." Sky said. 

"Yeah. We're running low on money anyway." Ness said.

"Well, what city should we go to next?" I asked holding Faith on my hip.

"Lets see." Danielle said.

We all walked to the basement where we had a large map and the places we marked were the places we've been to already. 

"Southampton looks promising." Danielle said. 

"They'll probably have a large pharmacy around." Sky said. 

Danielle put a red pin on Southampton.

"We'll go tomorrow." I said.

*Next Day* 

I tied my black shoes, while Danielle picked up Faith from her crib.

"We'll be gone for a couple hours again, maybe more." I said tying my hair in a ponytail. 

"Ok." Danielle said. 

I walked over to Faith. I kissed her cheek as she smiled bouncy up and down in Danielle's arms.

I chuckled. 

"I'll be back, baby." I said to her.

We hitched another ride on a military truck. Luckily the trucks were constantly going back and forth to different cities. 

Once we got to Southampton, we noticed the streets were crawling with military forces. Which made it harder for us. We were walking down the street. We spotted a pharmacy. 

We walked behind the building. 

"Perrie, you know what to do." Ness said. 

I nodded. I began to look up and down the wall, trying to figure out a way to climb it. The emergency fire escape, I thought. I quickly went on the side of the building. I took a running jump and grab hold of the ladder, making my weight pull it down. I quickly climbed up the ladder. When I got to the roof, I found a door that looked like it led to the attic of the building. I quickly picked the lock. Once I got inside. I covered my face with my bandana, knowing cameras would be on. I walked into the pharmacy and quickly took my gun and shot all the cameras there. Took the bandana off my face. I went the alarm system and unplugged it so everything was off line. 

I unlocked the back door for Sky and Ness. Easy as can be.

"I unplugged the alarm system and shot the cameras. We still have to hurry though." I said as they walked in. 

We took our flashlights and looked for depression pills. 

"Bingo!" I whisper/yelled. 

I opened my bag taking all the pill bottles on the shelf and putting it in my bag. 

"We should get other medicines too." Ness said. We ended up taking pain pills, bandages and other medication for needs just in case, including money.

After we finished we quickly left the pharmacy. We calmly walked back on the street and hitched another ride. 

When we got home everyone was already asleep. I walked up to my room and changed. I checked on Faith, who was sleeping soundly in her crib. I laid down on the bed. I know what I'm doing is wrong, but in order to provide for Faith this is how it has to be. I held on to Zayn's dog tag around my neck. I know Zayn wouldn't want me doing this, but I know if he had no other choice, he would agree. I fell asleep to the sound of rain lightly hitting the window. 

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