Missing In Action 27

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Missing In Action 27

*Still Perrie's POV*

I walked down the dark streets of London. I stopped at Nicks flat. Nick, the one who gave us the guns. He knew everything just about everyone. Nobody knows his past. Rumors are mostly that he was part of a mafia but got himself out. Others say that he worked for the American government, that's why he has his connections.

I knocked on the door. The door opened. 

"What can I do for you?" He asked. 

"I need some information..." I said. 

He moved aside. 

"Come in." He said. 

I walked in. His living room looked normal as ever. But when we got to his room computers were almost piled on to each other and wires seemed to be everywhere. 

"About?..." He asked. 

"Some people." I said. 

"Do you know his or her names?" He asked. 

"Both of Their names are Josh and Anna they were taken by a group of guards. Josh is 18 and was in hiding." I said. 

He looked at me if I was crazy. 

"Nope sorry. I don't have any information." He said.

"Yes you do." I said. 

"I don't." He said starting to walk out the room.

I pushed him against the wall. 

"DAMNIT YOU DO KNOW WHERE THEY ARE!" I yelled gripping his shirt. 

"Look, I would like to help you but..." He said. 

"But what?" I asked strongly.

"If I help you, I can get 20 years in prison for this." He said. 

"So what?!..." I said coldly

"I can get 20 years to life, because I helped them escape. I guess your just gonna have to take a chance." I said looking him straight in the eye. 

He sighed. 

"Fine." He said. 

"Good..." I let go of his shirt. 

"You know your more feisty since the first time I helped you." He said. 

"I've learned." I told him. 

"If I help you...what's in it for me?" He asked. 

"Money." I said. 

"Not enough." He shook his head.

"I have a better Idea...." He said looking me up and down my body. 

"You'r crazy!" I said. 

"Then I guess you don't get any information." He said sitting in his chair. 

"Which is a shame, because I know exactly where they are, where they're headed, who's in the room with them right this moment." He said. 

I thought about it. Any moment Anna could be getting raped and josh could about to be shipped to North Korea. 

I promised them they would be safe and I don't break any promises. Especially this one. 

"Alright." I sighed taking off my jacket. 

"What was that?" He asked. 

"Alright I'll do it." I said throwing my jacket on the chair. 

"Atta girl." He said getting up from his chair. 

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