Missing In Action 31

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Missing In Action 31

*Couple Months Later*

The girls and I are afraid of a man in the black uniform coming to our door and giving us that dreadful letter. The letter that the girls and I received Two years ago. But thankfully, we haven't got anything. 

Anna has finally stopped cleaning. She is now her regular self. She got over her depression quickly. Unlike Eleanor who has no sign of getting better. 

I sat on the bed brushing Faiths hair. She was playing with her bear. I was humming the song Clair De Lune. 

"Mummy..." Faith said. 

"Yes.." I said. 

"Why doesn't aunt El talk?" She asked. 

"Well..." I paused. 

"She's been sick still, angel..." I said.

"Oh..." She answered.

"Will she get better?" She asked.

I stood quiet for a minute.

"I...I don't know angel." I said.

"What's with all the questions?" I lightly chuckled. 

She shrugged. 

"Come, lets go to bed." I smiled.

She got off my bed and went to hers. 

I tucked her in and kissed her cheek. 

I went to the bathroom and took my makeup off. I changed clothes. When I walked back in the room, Faith was asleep. 

I laid down in bed. I had the sudden urge to talk to Zayn. 

"A lot has changed since you've been gone, Zayn. The war hasn't ended sadly..." I whispered quietly trying not to wake Faith.

"You know I was thinking the other day about that day you left...I remember that morning...you didn't want to get out of bed for breakfast...and they had to drag us out of the room." I chuckled. My smile began to disappear. 

"I remember when you were packing...I just cried and cried..." I paused holding back my tears, but having some stream down my face. 

"And you were there to comfort me. You hugged me. Your hugs always made me feel better.....when I get hugs from Faith I feel like I'm getting hugs from you..." I smiled wiping my tears away. 

"Faith really loves you Zayn.....I really love you.....I miss you Zayn. Tell the boys...the girls miss them too..... I love you Zayn." I said. 

I drifted off to sleep. 

*Next Morning*

I woke up to a shrill scream that filled through the house. It sounded like Ness. 

I quickly jumped out of bed and out to the hallway. I wasn't alone. Danielle, Sky and Anna did the same. 

We ran downstairs. To the living room. 

Ness was standing on the couch.

"What?! What is it?!" Danielle asked. 

"Ew. Kill it quick!" She said pointing to the floor. 

A little cricket had some how got in the house. 

We all sighed in relief.

"Ness really?" I asked. 

"Gross. Quick it's moving!" Ness said disgusted. 

Sky quickly grabbed a shoe and smashed it. 

"You almost gave me a heart attack, Ness." Sky sighed. 

"You almost gave all of us a heart attack." Anna said. 

"That thing was going to crawl all over me and lay its eggs on me." She said grossed out. 

"It's okay. It's dead now." Danielle said. 

Ness got down off the couch.

"Who wants breakfast?" I asked. 

The girls groaned tiredly.

"Coffee?" I asked. 

They all raised their hands. 

"Ok ill make some." I chuckled.

After I made everyone coffee.

I walked upstairs to my room to wake up Faith. I walked in the room. I saw Faith at the edge of my bed on her knees.

"Faith what are you doing, angel?" I asked. 

"I'm talking to daddy. I saw you do it..." She said. 

"Oh really." I smiled. I got on my knees beside her. 

"Hi daddy..." She said. 

"It's Faith. I hope you like it in heaven. Is uncle Louis, Liam, Harry, and Niall there with you? Can you tell them I said hi? I drew you pictures and pictures of our family. I hope you like it daddy. I love you daddy." She said. 

"That was beautiful, angel." I smiled kissing the top of her head. 

"Do you think daddy likes my pictures?" She asked. 

"Of course, angel. Your daddy use to draw too." I said as I picked her up holding her on my hip. 

"Really?!" She said excited.

"Yep...and loves when people draws stuff for him." I said. 

"I should draw more pictures then." She said. 

"He would really like that." I smiled. 

She hugged me. 

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