Missing In action 21

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Missing In Action 21

*Days Later* 

I walked down stairs to Where the girls were. Danielle was playing with Faith. Ness and Sky were reading a magazine. 

"I have a plan." I said.

"For what?" Danielle asked. 

"For Josh and Anna..." I said.

Sky stood up. 

"We're listening." She said.

Suddenly Anna walked in the living room. 

"I'll be back." She said putting her jacket on.

"Going to see Josh?" Ness asked.

She nodded and smiled. 

"Ok...don't stay out too late." Danielle said.

"I wont, mum." She said.

She opened the door. And began to walk out.

"Be Safe!" Sky said.

"Yeah use protection!" Ness said.

We looked at her.

She shrugged.

"Bye guys." Anna laughed closing the door.

"So what's your plan?" Danielle asked.

"We can't let Josh go to Korea, we need to get him in hiding." I said.

They stood quiet. 

"Perrie. That's like suicide. We can go to prison for that." Ness said. 

"And also where would we hide him?" Sky asked.

"We have to do it." I said.

"It's too risky." Danielle said.

"Did you not see them together yesterday?" I asked. "We can't let him go to fight. They're young and in love." I said. 

They stood quiet.

"We're we so different, Two Years ago?" I asked.

There was a dead silence that filled the room. 

Danielle stood up from the couch.

"What do we do?" She asked. 

"The other day when we went to get money, we passed through the countryside. I saw some abandon houses. Maybe he could go there." I said.

"I'm in." Danielle said.

"Same here." Sky said. 

"Do you guys hear yourselves?!" Ness asked. 

"Ness. Think about Anna." Danielle said.

"If Harry had a chance to go in hiding. Would you have opposed it?" I asked.

"Of course not." She said.

"Then do it for both of them." I said.

She thought about it.

"I don't want her to suffer like we did." I said.

Ness looked at me. 

"Okay..." She nodded. 

"Good, Okay. I was thinking we shouldn't tell him until he turns 18. We have to keep quiet though." I said. 

"Ok..." They said.

*One Month Later* 

It's was Josh's birthday and he was over the house. 

Me and the girls stood in the kitchen. 

"You ready to tell him?" Danielle asked.

"Yeah. I'm ready." I said.

We walked back into the living room where Anna and Josh were coloring with Faith. 

"Josh, Anna." Sky said. 

"Yes." They said standing up. 

"We understand that you'll be leaving to Korea soon..." I said.

"Yes. That's right." He said holding Anna's hand.

"If you had a choice to not go, would you do it?" I asked.

"Of course." He answered.

"Not matter what it takes even if that means not speaking to your family?" I asked.

"Perrie what is this about?" Anna asked.

"Josh your going into hiding...at least until the war is over." I said.

He looked shocked. 

"You guys could be arrested." He said.

"We've agreed to take that chance." Ness said.

"No you can't." Anna said. 

"We know first hand how it is when you lose a loved one." Danielle said. 

"We have a house already ready for you in the country side. All you have to do is say yes..." I said. 

"I can't contact anyone?" He asked. 

I shook my head. "Only with Ness, Me and Sky. We will be bringing you food, clothes and other necessaries." I said.

He looked at Anna. I knew what he was thinking. 

"And were also allowing Anna to stay with you." Danielle said. 

Both of their eyes lit up with happiness. They immediately hugged each other. Then Anna hugged us. 

"You have 3 days to spend with your family. Then you come back here and we'll go from there." Ness said. 

He nodded. 

"And another thing..." I said walking closer to him. 

"You must not tell anyone where your going or that your going into hiding, not even your family." I said.

He nodded. 

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