Wants and Needs

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*Kylos Pov*

A twisting, churning feeling had inhabited my stomach. Me. Supreme Leader. Did I want this. Yes, more power. More...control.

"Supreme Leader, what should we do now?"

"Prepare the fleet and track down the ship." I felt myself almost spit the last word out with disgust.

The general left without another word. I would destroy what was left of the horrible resistance and take the girl with me whether she wanted it or not.

Another man walked over to me with haste as he pulled out a holopad with details.

"The throne room is ready for you, Supreme Leader." With that he bowed and lead me to the newly designed room.

It wasn't the same boring red as before, the throne was a matte black encrusted with golden parts, the floor was still polished but the walls, they were black and anything that could be encrusted in gold, was.


My robes were the same but different. The cape that I would wear rarely was more tattered, ripped at the edges to emphasis my killings and dangerous missions. This was all wrapped up by a simple gold band, like a crown but it wasn't.

After dressing, I made my way back to the room and began my duties.

*Reys Pov*

The resistance had found a safe haven in one of the planets of the outer rim, Judora. It is a peaceful planet, most of it is covered in streams of water, the consistency of it is strange and the colour isn't like the clear kind, it has more a greenish hint to it. Nevertheless, I found a certain amount of peace in it.

I set myself on one of the many rocks that had consumed this area. I needed a break and some time to regain my strength. I felt emotionally and physically drained.

Meditation and the sound of a restless yet peaceful stream was all I needed.

"Hey Rey!" Finn, shit, I forgot I was supposed to be meeting him today.

"Hey Finn, sorry I totally forgot about our lunch today."

"It's ok, Rose and I went and saw the General."

"Oh ok." Rose was a lovely girl, bubbly and bright were two words most people would use to describe her but I couldn't help but feel a little jealous. Finn and I were only friends but ever since she came around I've felt more detached from him.

It wasn't just Finn, I felt empty and parted from everyone and everything. There is only one person I feel the slightest connection to, Ben, Ben Solo. Well what is left of him.

"Rey, Rey are you ok." My eyes flicked with a spark of realisation, I had been blurred out this whole time.

"S-sorry Finn, I'm just really tired."

"It's ok, I'll see you around, don't forget we have the meeting for what the resistance is doing next!"

"I won't!" I watched as his figured slowly disappeared into the sunset.

The stars began to appear when I heard a sound in the bushes next to me and I reached for my staff but was stopped by a small beeping.

"BB-8! What are you doing here?" My ears began at there work when the little droid went on about going back to the base and how it's not safe to be out this late.

"I know, I know. Five more minutes. I think I can handle myself." The rounded droid murmured something in defeat and made it's way back to the base.

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