Do Not Resist

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*Reys Pov*

I froze at the sight of at least four black robed, masked men. Their blaring red lightsabers glazing off there figures with the haunting crackling sound.

"I'm not going anywhere!" I began summoning the force, shutting out the unwanted hatred. Two of the smaller knights went flying but were back on their feet in a heart beat, that's when I felt it. He was dangerously close. Behind me even, his breathing heavy. I turned quickly, worry consuming my face.

"Rey. We don't need to fight about this." His deep voice sent shivers down my spine. My eyes followed a resistance pilot who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. His presence was quickly lost as Ben drew his lightsaber through him. No this wasn't Ben, this was Kylo Ren.

"No, we don't. Stop this. Come help us. The resistance, it needs you." My voice began to rise at the chaos surrounding us.

"It's over, there is no resistance."

"Ben.." The knights began to advance towards me with such strength and hatred, I was sure they were going to strike me down where I stood.

My eyes squeezed shut, there was no escape. Thoughts flashed through my head. I've made it this far. I was proud of who I have become, what I have grown into. Me as I person, no longer suffering the painful days on Jakku, fighting with what I thought was just a myth.

"Do not resist." My eyes flashed open when I felt two hands knot my arms together pushing me towards what looked like Bens ship. Their grip grew stronger when I nudged at the restraints.

"I can walk just fine." I spat at the gathering of knights.

☀︎ ☀︎ ☀︎

"You wouldn't dare!" Ben had left me in a small cell. Something that tore a streak of fear through me was the knight that was headed right to me, his mask removed, lust filled eyes and a devilish smirk covered his face.

"Don't move pretty." His face was centre meters away from mine as he placed his hands on me roughly. Tears trickled down my cheeks when his mercilus hands made their way to a private place.

"I wouldn't do that if I was you." I flinched when Ben began chocking the knight, fire burning in his eyes.

"I-I'm s-sorry my Lord."

"No one touches her!" Ben soon dropped the man at his last breaths. He scurried out of the cell with a rather sheepish look on his face.

"I'm sorry it had to be like this." His face suddenly looked like it was carved by the gods as he tucked his gloved hands behind his back.

"Let me go!" His gaze averted into my eyes, we were locked together in eye sight.

"You will join me." His words left an aching feeling in my head.

"No." His eyes grew cold.

"You owe me, I cleaned up your mess."

"My mess! You killed him!" How could he! He's been living a lie.

"No. You did." The words pushed a feeling of sickness through me. Before I could do anything a warm stinging feeling met my throat and soon was on the floor of the cell. My cheeks flushed red with embarrassment. He was watching my every move.

"A droid will give you food in an hour." After his cold words, he left.

"Great." I panted under my breath. The cell was beginning to smell like the vomit on the floor.

*Kylos Pov*

"Sire, the girl, she needs to be tamed."

"I will deal with that. No one touches her." I shot a glare at the previous knight who dared to think about doing such things to Rey.

Fixing Him // Reylo // CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now