(Volume 4) Chapter 22: Noticing the Hurt.

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(A/n- I'm EXTREMELY SORRY!! I really wanted to upload this two weeks ago but with College finals and other stuff from life pulling me away from my writing time. I needed to stop for a bit, but with this, I'm back, and I'll be back to making a chapter a week, or more now that I'm on summer break. So who knows.)

Y/n P.O.V

By the time I caught up with everyone it was nightfall. After doing my routine. I set up and once again try to unlock or figure out what my Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan can really do. Luckily since I've been practicing it only takes a few moments for the silver glow to appear in front of me. I stare at the silver glow for what feels like minutes, my patience dwindling significantly. Finally, I yell at it annoyed of this.

Y/n: Stupid glow! I focused, and I tried everything I could possibly think of, why don't you just move!?

As I ask it to move the silver glow moves slightly. I pause my little outburst, and I ask it.

Y/n: Move a bit to the right....

As commanded the silver glow moves to the right and I stare at it inquisitively. I grab a stick from the fire, and I toss it towards the glow, and when it lands in front of it, I issue another command.

Y/n: Pick up the stick.

The silver glow continues to just float in front of the stick, and I sigh. *relax..relax at least I'm making some progress*. After a few more minutes of commanding it to move around, I dispel it, and I decide its time to go to bed, and as I close my eyes, I swear my ears are playing tricks on me as I hear a muffled familiar voice.

Pyrrha: Jaune!

I shoot up and look around, trying to figure out where Pyrrha's voice came from. The forest is relatively quiet with the will o wisp floating around. Then something else catches my attention its faint, but I hear a sword being drawn. I teleport into the treetops, and I quietly make my way towards the noise. As I get closer I hear Pyrrha's voice and this time its a bit, clearer and as I can finally make out what she is saying I look down, and I see Jaune with his sword. I look around and I see on a tree stump nearby is his Scroll with what looks like a video of Pyrrha playing. I watch Jaune as the video continues to play.

Pyrrha: Alright, Jaune, just like we practiced. Follow these instructions.

Jaune slowly takes a stance with his sword in the waiting position, and Pyrrha continues speaking.

Pyrrha: Alright, Jaune, just like we practiced. Follow these instructions. Shield up.

Jaune with good speed lifts his shield so that only his eyes up are not protected.

Pyrrha: Keep your grip tight.

Jaune tightens his hand on his weapon maintaining his stance and his shields position.

Pyrrha: Don't forget to keep your front foot forward.

Jaune already having his front foot forward doesn't move and waits for the next command.

Pyrrha: Ready? Go.

Jaune steps forward with the sword doing a powerful slash cutting at the air and making a fighting cry.

Pyrrha: Again!

Jaune moves forward with his other foot and again slashing the air with his sword with increased power and speed and releasing a cry.

Pyrrha: And again.

Jaune with haste spins in a circle, putting a lot of feeling and effort into his next slash and battle cry. But It seems to have exhausted him a bit as he drops his stance and breathes for a moment. As Jaune rest the video of Pyrrha giggles.

(The Stolen Silver Eyes) Male Sharingan Reader X RwbyWhere stories live. Discover now