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Lukas's Pov:

"Yo where's Frankie. We need to leave." Scarlet called out. Now she was sobered up but doesn't remember saying anything to Frankie.

"I think I might know. Just give me 5 minutes." I said sadly as I exited the house and started doing a light jog to the local cemetery.

Once I came upon the metal gates I slowly followed the small path that was created by so many people following the same trail. Eventually I saw a large mass by one of the graves. I sighed and made my way over to it. Frankie was laying on her back with her eyes closed and tear remains mixed with eyeliner and mascara stained her cheeks.

Her face held no emotion. It was completely lifeless. Her father's death hit her in more ways then one. All her life she busted her ass to prove to him what she was capable of. And now, all of those broken smiles, all them fake laughs and the fake happiness. It was for nothing. All she ever wanted to do was prove to him he was wrong. That's all anyone wanted for her and we were all too late.

"Frankie." I whispered as I croutched next to her. She mumbled something incoherent and rolled into a ball on her side. I carefully wrapped my arms around her knees and back and gently picked her up before making my way out of the cemetery. "Shh, it's just me Frankie. I've got you." I whispered calmly as I felt her wake up a little panicked.

"Where are we?" Her voice was frail and inexpressive.

"We have to meet up with the other band so we can discuss tour.." I could feel her body physically tense in my arms.

"I don't want to. I don't think I can." She murmured as a tear slid down her cheek and landed on my grey hoodie. I had all I could do to hold back my emotions as I looked down at the small woman in my arms. She's grown so much over the years and she doesn't see it. She has a right to be stuck in the past because for her, it messed up her whole life. But sometimes I wish she could see how far she has come since we brought her home after performing at the park.

"I'll be right there with you. If it's to much, you and me can go get ice cream if you want. Okay?" She nodded and relaxed a little. "Okay, I'm getting in the car, you want to stay on my lap?" She nodded as I sat in the back seat on the passenger side. I pulled the seatbelt over the both of us and motioned Sam to drive. It was a silent ride as Frankie cleaned her face and stared out the window.

Frankie's Pov:

I looked up at the tall building. In one of those rooms held my brother. One of those rooms were going to chew me alive with the guilt.

Lukas carefully intertwined his fingers with mine and Sam did the same with my other hand and they both guided me through the large building with Scarlet leading the way.

"It's gonna be okay." Sam murmured as we stopped In front of a office looking door. Scarlet carefully opened the door and we all gathered in the large meeting room. My breathe was stuck in my throat and my whole body was frozen. I couldn't do this yet but I had to put a brave face on for the band. I can't ruin our one shot to get known because of my past.

"Hi, you must be Scarlet. My name's John. We talked over the phone." A man said as he stood up and greeted our purple haired friend.

"It's wonderful meeting you. These are my band mates. Frankie, Lukas and Sam." Scarlet introduced us. We all gave him silent hellos as we sat at the far end of the giant oval shaped table.

"Hey John what is up." A rambuncious person yelled as the enetered the room. Four other people followed behind him and I swallowed whatever pride I held.

"Hello Jack. Now let's get down to business. Guys this is Scarlet, Sam, Frankie and, Lukas." John said as he pointed at us. Rians eyes immediately met mine causing me to look away and play with Sam's fingertips. I kept biting my tongue and holding my breathe until I couldn't anymore in attempts to hide the pain my eyes held. I just kept reminding myself that I couldn't mess this up for Sam Lucas or Scarlet.

"It's great meeting you guys. We've seen a few videos on youtube and figured it would be wonderful to play with you." Alex said happily.


Time drug on as everybody but me talked amongst each other. We already had the tour set. We would start touring in 6 days and would share a bus with All time low. Along the tour the decision of getting signed will also be made by the record company.

"So you're the drummer?" Rian asked as he took Jack's old seat. I quickly grabbed a hold of Sam's hand and ran my fingers across his tattoos to try and calm myself. It took me a second for form some sort of voice without choking.

"Yeah. I was heavily influenced by a family member." I said quietly.

"That's cool." His voice sounded deflated. "I wish I had someone who looked at me that way." He sighed.

But you do.

I mentally thought. I looked around and found the black and blue striped hair man staring at me. His eyebrows scrunched together as he stared at me. I held my head low and continued to play with Sam's fingers. After a few moments he broke his eye contact from me and continued talking to Sam.

"Lukas, can we get ice cream?" I asked as my breath suddenly caught in my throat. I couldn't do this anymore. It was starting to feel as if the walls were enclosing around us and the air was getting thicker and voice blurred together. Everybody in my band stopped talking and looked at me in worry.

"Why don't we all go get ice cream? Have some more hang out time before tour?" Rian suggested. I squeezed Sam's hand.

"Maybe another time. We have to stop at the store and all that." Scarlet said as we all stood up. "So tour starts Thursday next week and you have our address right?" She asked as Sam helped guide me out of the room.

Sam and Lukas guided me through the building and once we were outside I dropped to my knees taking deep breaths of air trying to get my breathing normal.

"You did really good Frankie." Lukas said assuringly as he rubbed my back.

"It was so much. And Jack noticed me from yesterday." I gasped out.

"It's all okay Frankie. Look Scarlet is coming out now. Lets get that ice cream. Then when we get home we can all watch Dexter." Sam said as he grabbed under my arm and helped me stand up.

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