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Frankie's Pov:

It's been 3 months since I've spoken to Ma and Cat. I've done what Cat told me to do and stayed away. The Remembrance was currently on tour with Of Mice and Men but this tour I am not myself and everyone knows it. All I do is perform, do signings and meet and greets then its back to my bunk. I don't speak, I don't smile. Hell I even got a new phone.

"Frankiiiiiie!" I heard Tino call me on my way back to our bus. I placed a fake smile on my lips and turned around to see his grinning face. "There's a few people who want to seee you." He said in a cheerful voice. I shook my head no and continued towards the bus. That was until Tino grabbed my wrist gently and turned me around. He was no longer smiling. "Hey whats going on chica? We've been on this tour for almost 2 weeks and you haven't done much. Is everything okay?" He sounded sincerely concerned.

"I'm fine." I croaked out.

"Oh my god she does speak!" I heard Alan yell as he came near us.

"Alan go away!!" Tino ordered. Alan raised his hands in surrender and walked away.

"Just leave me alone Tino. Nothing's wrong." I said as the tears filled my eyes.

"No! There is something wrong... We can all tell and we're all concerned about you! You've been beyond distant, you're loosing massive fucking weight and your smile isn't yours so whats going on? Talk to me. I'm here to help." I pulled my hand from his and ran to the bus wiping my tears as she flowed down my face like waterfalls. As soon as I got on the bus I locked the maindoor and just sat on the steps crying.

I wanna see my family and be happy like I was. That brief period of my life was amazing. To laugh with my brother and hug my mother was a new wave of life for me. But I can't. God only knows what Cat is capable of and who she has in her back pockets. Nobody understands, I wanna scream to the world whats going on, but I can't.

I suddenly jumped at an urgent banging on the door a few inches infront of me. I placed my hand over my mouth to muffle my cries.

"Frankie!" My heart froze at the voice. Rian's voice.  Sadness filled it. "Please Frankie. I want to help." He spoke desperately.

"Frankie. It's Alex and Jack. We just want to talk. Please open up." I couldn't do this anymore. I silently got up and walked into the kitchenette and grabbed a small sticky note.

I'm sorry I can't get hurt again and neither can any of you.

I wrote sloppily before placing it on the countertop. I made my way to the back of the bus and opened the roof hatch as quietly as I could. I used the bunks to climb my way out onto the roof and sat there for a minute. Was I really gonna do this? My ears were filled with Rian taking deep breaths as he tried not to cry. Alex kept begging me to let him on the bus.

I looked up towards the sky and bit my bottom lip as tears just flowed down my face. Was I really gonna risk losing everything. The band? My family? The fans? My mind?

I had to. No I didn't want to. But I had to. I need to keep everyone safe and this is how I have to do that. I carefully jumped off of the side of the bus and landed on the blacktop quiet enough to where no one heard. Then I did what I do best and... I ran. I ran to the woods and followed the treeline until the road.

History is on repeat.

Rian's Pov:

"I don't think she wants the company. I'm sorry dude. I tried to talk to her but she ran away onto the bus." Tino spoke sadly.

It's been way to long without my sister and from what I've been told things aren't going well at all for her.

"I'm gonna go to the bus and see if she'll open up for me." I quietly said.

"We'll come with you." Jack said as he pulled Alex next to me.

"Good luck." Tino said as he patted my shoulder and walked in the opposite direction. Me alex and Jack all walked quietly to the bus.

"Frankie!" I called out sadly as I knocked loudly on the door. "Please Frankie. I want to help." I was desperate to talk to my sister. Jack pulled me away a little bit after I froze with my hand on the door. Alex walked up to the door.

"Frankie. It's Alex and Jack. We just want to talk. Please open up." He begged.

"Hey guys, What's going on?" Sam asked with a mouth full of pizza as he approached us.

"Frankie won't open the door and Rian is worried." Sam nodded and walked passed us and quietly pushed the code in. As soon as I heard the click I pushed past everyone and ran in.

"Frankie?!" I called out as I ran through the bus. I checked all the bunks and started to breath heavily as I turned in circles in the bunk alley. "Where is she?" I murmured to myself.

"Rian.. You might want to see this." I didn't like the sound of Sam's voice at all.

I quietly went to the front of the bus and grabbed the piece of paper he held out to me.

I'm sorry I can't get hurt again and neither can any of you.

The paper dropped from my hands as I dropped to the fucking ground. My world broke and shattered around me.

"She's gone." I said just above a whisper.

"Why would she run? Her life is good! She's on friggen tour!" I could hear the agitation in Sam's voice as he said the last part. "I need to find Scarlet and Lukas." He hissed before making his way off the bus.

My mind was racing as tears flooded my cheeks. Why would she do this to us again? Then it dawned on me. I quickly grabbed my phone and looked at the last text Lukas sent me.

Hey Rian. We need you to come talk to Frankie. Ever since the tour ended she hasn't been the same. She's distant, quiet and overall not herself.

"Since tour ended." I whispered to myself. My face grew hot as sadness soon turned into anger. I needed answers. I need to know what happened and the only person who will give me the answers I need, is the person who started this chaotic event.

I quickly shot up and started running to the car that Alex Jack and I drove to Pennsylvania in, and quickly jumped in the drivers seat.

"Rian where are we going?" Alex asked out of breath as him and Jack climbed in the back. As soon as I started the car I stepped on the gas and peeled out of the parking lot heading to the freeway.

"I need to pay Cat a little visit!"

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