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Rian's Pov:

"I should have called before we came here!" I voice was filled with worry and fear as mom walked out on the porch.

"Why sweetheart? You showing me that my daughter is still alive is the greatest thing you could have ever done." Mom said happily

"Its not you mom. I should have called to see if Cat was here.." I explained. "I called her from the hospital to tell her what had happened and all she could do was spit aweful shit out about Frankie."

"Not Cat. Rian-"

"You cam even ask Alex mom. Why would I make something up like this. I love Cat to death so why would I lie? She thinks Frankie only came back into my life to steal my kidney and leave again. She wants Frankie dead mom." I deadpanned. Shock and horror filled her face leaving her speechless.

How else would a mother react to her one daughter returning alive and healthy after so long, just to find out her other daughter wishes she would have dies.

"Rian... I... Bu.." Her shock left her incapable of forming any words. Finally fear filled her face.
"Rian, If thats true dear you need to go get Frankie cause she went up to talk to her and apologize. I'll talk to her about this okay hun? I'll make sure she doesn't do or say anything bad to her. We finally got Frankie back, we don't need her running because of Cat." I hugged my mom quickly.

"Thank you." Once we broke apart I ran up to Cats room and threw the door open. Cat quickly threw her arms around Frankie which sent red flags all over the place. Why would Cat wish death upon Frankie and then hug her? What sick game is she up to?

"I'm so glad you're back." She said.. Cat locked eyes with me and rolled them.

"Come on Frankie. I gotta get you home." I spoke with a disappointed tone as I shook my head in Cat's direction. Frankie nodded and broke from Cats grip and followed me downstairs.

"Come by anytime sweetheart. This is your house also." Mom beamed with happiness as she hugged Frankie.

"Thanks Mama. I love you." Tears came to Frankie's eyes and she looked up to try and stop them.

My heart shattered. I could see an underlying pain in her eyes, a pain that I haven't seen since she lashed out towards me on the first day of tour.

"I love you too baby. I always have and I always will." Mom whispered. Once they broke apart mom told me she would call me later to check up on how I'm doing and to make sure I got home safe. Soon me and Frankie started heading back to her house.

"Are you okay Frankie?" I asked as we got to the front door. I was afraid. I always have and always love this small girl with all the love my body can hold for her. She was my baby sister.

"Yea. I'm alright." Her face held a fake smile and her eyes refused to meet mine.

"Are you sure?" She nodded and she opened the front door.

"Hey Frankie. Hey Rian." Sam said from the couch. Frankie headed straight upstairs. Something definetly was up.

"Sam. Keep an eye on her for me please. She talked to Cat." His eyes went wide.

"What happened?" He was shocked and worried. They all knew about the phone call.

"I don't know. I was talking to mom about what Cat had said on the phone and mom told me to go get her cause Frankie had gone to Cats room to apologize for what she did. When I got up there Cat hugged Frankie and rolled her eyes towards me. Just please keep an eye on her." I begged.

"No problem. How did things go over with your guys' mom?" He asked.

"It went really well. Mom is happy Frankie is back and Frankie seemed really happy to see that mom was different."

"That's good to hear." Sam smiled.

"Yea. I have to get going. You have my number is anything happens. I'll be around sometime next week to see Frankie if thats okay."

"Yea thats totally fine. Come over whenever you want. Same goes for Jack Alex and Zach." He smiled. We exchanged goodbyes and I left the house. I took a deep breath and walked down the road.

Frankie's Pov:

As soon as I got home I went up to my room and went into my bathroom. I closed and locked the door before I took my shirt off and looked at my stitches. There was a few beads of blood around them so I quickly washed them away. As I looked closer I could see faint fingerprint marks around the area.

"Don't go near them. Don't get hurt." I mumbled to myself as I pulled my shirt back on. I left my bathroom and went into bed. I pulled the covers over my face and stayed curled in a ball.

"Frankieeee." Luke came into my room jokingly whining. I stayed quiet and pretended I was asleep. "Sleep buddy coming in." He whispered seeing I was "asleep". He wrapped his arms around me and soon enough he was snoring.

I cupped my hand around my mouth to muffle my cries. Cat's threat played through my head as pain ravenged my side. I rolled over and wrapped both my arms around Lucas's body and tried to stop my tears. Eventually before I knew it I was slowly falling asleep.

Lukas's Pov:

I slowly woke up to find a Frankie latched onto me. I honestly wish she knew how I felt towards her. Scarlet keeps telling me to tell her, but she's had so much happen to her that its always a bad time to talk to her.

My arm wrapped around her side and fear filled me as a liquid bushed against my arm. I quickly moved the blankets and saw a spot between the stitches was bleeding. I quickly grabbed a bandana off of her headboard and wiped away the blood. Once the blood was gone I could have sworn I saw fingertip marks on her skin. I went to get a closer look but she shot up screaming and pushed me away.

"Frankie. It's just me. Its okay." I reassured her. She looked at me and then looked down at her bandana in my hand with blood on it.

"Shit." She said before she grabbed the bandana and went into her bathroom.

"Frankie? What's going on?" I asked in fear as I stood outside the door.

"Nothing. I just had a little blood leakage and have to put cream on it." She explained. "Can you go get me my painkillers?" She asked as she winced. I quickly ran down into the kitchen and grabbed her medicine.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Scarlet asked as she ran into the kitchen.

"A spot in between her stitches started to bleed and don't tell anyone but when I cleaned her up I think I saw fingertip marks around the area. And after what Rian had said about Cat's weird behavior yesterday I'm overthinking. But it just might have been shadows or something." I explained quickly.

"I'll keep an eye out. Now go get her her medicine." I nodded and went up to her room. I found her in her sports bra trying to find a shirt to put on.

"Here's your medicine. Don't put a shirt on. It will only just irritate the area more." I explained. She nodded as she took her medicine.

"Thanks." She said quietly.

"Are you okay Frankie?" I asked as she laid on her bed with her legs dangling off the edge.

"Yea. Im fine. Why wouldn't I be?" She asked.

"No reason." I said unsure.

"I want cuddles." She said as she reached her arms out towards me. I smiled and shook my head as I climbed in bed next to her. She latched onto my side with her head on my chest. I pulled out my phone and pulled up a Jurassic park movie knowing its her favorite movie series and we stayed cuddled up in bed watching movies for the rest of the day.

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