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Frankie's Pov:

It's been 3 weeks since tour started and we were currently in Austin Texas. Today we have a day off and tomorrow we are actually performing.

My health is quickly getting worse. Its clear to see. My hair is becoming more brittle, my skin is paler, I'm now only 83 ppunds and my eyes no longer hold their color or life. The pain is slowly becoming worse everyday but I have to pass it off as nothing.

I want to start to become friends with Rian before I actually tell him its me. I've become a little sister to Jack Alex and Zach. Now it's time for me to become friends with Rian so I can tell him that he found his sister. But I can feel death creeping up behind me in the race. I don't want to tell him, but I want him to know I'm his sister before I die. I don't want him to know he's the only one who can save me because I know he will, and I don't want to be saved.

I slowly got out of the bathroom and stood next to the small little sink.

"Hey Rian.. Do you wa-wanna go grab some c-offee?" I asked in pain. His eyes went wide before a huge smile formed against his lips.

'He's gonna say no' I mentally told myself. I reassured myself that he still doesn't know, and Im not becoming his friend to be saved. I'm becoming his friend to give him reassurance.

"I was just about to get some by myself but I'd be happy to join you." A small smile was etched onto his face. My smile dropped before I out a fake one back on before he noticed. It was too late to back out of this. I thought he would tell me no. I would have been fine with that, but now I have to put this facade up.

"Cool. Let me put my back brace on and we can head out." I said before slowly making my way to the back lounge. "Luke can you help me?" I called out. I heard him jump out of his bunk and come into the back lounge and closed the door behind him.

"I'm really proud of you." He smirked as he helped me take my shirt off since I couldn't raise my arms above my head. "I know that this is stressful for you. But you'll be happy in the end." He explained as he helped place my brace on. "Let's put this on and get you to make a new friend."

"I'm not doing this for the reason you're thinking of Luke." I sighed. He gave me a confused looked and I just walked away before he started slamming me with a million questions.

"Ready?" I asked as I entered the front of the bus.

"Yea. Lets get going." And before I knew it he was hoping off the bus leaving me to slowly wobble.

"Rian. You're forgetting someone." Sam called out jokingly. Rian jumped back on the bus.

"I'm sorry Frankie. I'm used to trying to keep Jack from running people over as he speeds off the bus." I shook my head with a small fake laugh.

"Don't worry about it." I said as we both got off the bus. This time he stayed by my side.

"So how did you find Scarlett and them?" My breath caught a little.

"Thats another story for another time Rian." I dismissed.

"That's okay. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. That's cool. So I saw you watching Harry Potter last night. Have you always been a fan of the series?"

"Yea, every since I was a little girl. My br....relative used to read the stories to me. So it just kinda stuck." I genuinely smiled as I remembered how he used to tuck me into bed and read me a chapter every night.

"I used to read to my sister the stories. I can never read the stories the same without her. She was such a bright girl. Even with the words of our father being spewed she always had that shine in her smile and that light in her eyes that seemed like nothing could take it away." He spoke with so much passion it hurt. It hurt to know that I can't just come out and tell him who I actually am. Like would he even believe me?

But it didn't matter. I'm gonna tell him when it's too late. Will it hurt him? Yes but he'll get over it. Everyone does; they mourn and then they continue their life.


"So Jack literally was wearing 8 or 9 bras after the concert. Just for the hell of it." Rian laughed as he told me another Jack story while we drank out coffee.

"From these past few weeks of knowing him, he is certainly is an....interesting.. character." I joked. Rian took a sip of his coffee and nodded.

"That he is." He replied.

I had to keep reminding myself not to get to close as I spent time with Rian. But part of me started feeling bad. Listening to him talk about me when I was young I started feeling guilty. He may not know the truth but here we are sitting together. And part of me wishes Cat was here too. But I had to keep fighting it

"You okay dude?" I genuinely asked sincerely as I noticed Rian started to just stayed quite and stared at me.

"You remind me of her. Like my little sister. I know it sounds weird to hear, but there's just part of your personality that is just like hers." He sighed as he ran his finger around the rim of his coffee cup.

"Hey Rian?" He replied with a small hmm as he took a sip of his coffee. "Can you tell me more about her? You don't have to if you don't want to." He placed his now empty cup on the table and continued to stare at me for a moment.

Fear filled me as I started to imagine what he was about to say.

"She was the first one up everyday. My twin sister Cat locked her door at night so she had the chance to sleep in but I never did. I made sure that Frankie always knew my door was open for her. So every morning around 5 I would hear her try to tip toe across the hardwood floor and whenever she woke me up I would pretend she scared me. To hear her giggle. It was so pure and innocent. So from about 10 after 5 we would make sure all our chores were done before 7 that way we had all the time in the world to play. We would play all day. Sometimes we would go out in the woods, sometimes we played on my drums or sometimes we just sat in my room watching old reruns of her favorite cartoons. Everyday was always a different adventure and it was the best thing in the world."

"I hope you guys reunite one day. I would be interesting to watch you become a child again." Tears brimmed my eyes. I truley did want us to act like the children we were and still are at heart. I want to make memories again. But I can't..

"One day we will no matter what. I will do anything to see my baby sister, but sometimes I wonder if I'll meet her in the condition to where we can make memories again." He sighed.

"What do you mean?" I asked quietly as I looked down.

"Its been 20 years. March she just turned 26. Thats 20 years where anything could have happened. For all I know I may..." His breath hitched. I knew what he was gonna say.

"Find her name on a grave.." I finished quietly.

"Exactly. I pray every night that she's safe and that someone watches over her. I pray she's alive and owning up to her name." I reached across the table amd wrapped my hand around his.

"If she's your sister I'm sure she remembers you and that drove her to do great things in life." Actually I know she did because the little girl he always refers to is me. I know that between him and Cat, it was the both of them that pushed forward everyday to never giving up in my never ending fight.

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