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Lukas's Pov:

I took a step away as everyone played would you rather and looked out the window. I saw a mass in the lawn. I looked at Frankie and saw her face was still red and I automatically knew who was down in the lawn.

"I'll be right back guys. I need to visit Rian." I said quickly before I rushed out of the room. I didn't even take the elevator, I took the stairs and ran through the lobby and out to the parking lot. I slowed down as I got closer to him. His body was shaking as screams left his mouth.

"Rian.." I whispered as I sat next to him. He looked at me with dead eyes that tears left quickly. "What happened?" I asked.

"What happened that night Lukas." He ordered. I knew what night he was talking about. "Why was no one there for her?!" He screamed.

"Rian we had no idea. Scarlet and Sam wanted to go out for drinks and Frankie didn't want to go because even if she wasn't pregnant she hates the burn of alcohol. I told them I would stay back to keep her company. They left and she said she was going to take a shower. I didn't think anything of it until about an hour later when I saw water start to leak out from under the door. I didn't even bother knocking. I knew something was wrong. When I opened it up. Fear filled my body. All I saw at first was her leaning against the wall between the sink and toilet. There was so much blood. I quickly turned the shower off and as I did I stepped on something. I lifted my shoe and saw a broken glass syringe. I looked up and she had 2 emptied syringes stuck in her arm and one was that was half emptied. I quickly pulled them out of her arm and undid her tie off. I screamed out her name as I tapped her face.." My voice cracked as pictures of that night filled my head. "She woke up a little and weakly screamed as she tried to push me away. I grabbed her hand and noticed all her nuckles were bruised. Then I saw her stomach. Then I realized why she was bleeding so bad..I realized she had miscarried." I sniffled. "I tried to help her up but she kept fighting against me screaming and hollering. She wasn't herself at all. Soon everything had kicked in and she knocked out. I had to clean her up so I can get her into our rental car and get her to the hospital.. She woke up and explained everything to me. She hated herself for miscarrying. She beat herself because she blamed herself for killing her first child. She had dreams of meeting you one day and showing you your niece . That baby and you were her whole world and without either you or the baby, she didn't want to be in it. I promised I would help her get better and recover. Just to see how she was putting up a facade everyday and then seeing what she was hiding absolutely killed me every second I helped her. But I knew I had too. I knew I had to help her so she could reunite with her family. She was just so small and fragile I was afraid I got to her too late." I explained sadly.

"I can't help but feel its my fault. If I would have been in her life growing up she would have known she wasn't alone and maybe she would have went to someone sooner then when you found her. Ma-" He hollered.

"Hey Rian. Look at me." I ordered. "This was not your fault. If anything you helped her get better. When I had to leave her in the rehabilitation center she was a mess because she was going to be alone for 3 months. I took her aside and told her to get better so she would get to see you one day. Her exact words were "I'm doing this for Rian. I don't want him to see me like I was and run away like I did." She promised to get better for you. At that moment no one was in her mind except for you. Not me, not the band not the fans. You Rian." I explained. Rian's body froze.

"I was afraid I was going to find her dead and she fought for me? I thought she was mad at me all these years.." He pushed past the lump in his throat.

"No. I can't count how many All Time Low concerts we went to so she could see you. She was in a stage of fright. She would always speak so highly of you all the time. Whether it was after a concert or if she saw something online or even if she heard the name Rian. You were her saviour. She was just afraid to talk to you in any form of communication, because she was afraid of the rejection, and she was afraid you wouldn't believe her and turn away." Shock filled his face.

"I had no clue. I remember before she ran away, how she would sit on my lap and take my sticks and try to play. I remember the way she would smile and how her giggle would light up the room. Then after we started to hang out after our first coffee hang out. I called her my drummer sister because her smile and her laugh just remeinded me of when we grew up so much and now I see why. I'm so proud of where she's gotten in life. Her life was terrible when she left and she built it up. Yes she fell for those dark moments but she got back up. I wish Cat was happy.." His happy tone fell.

"What do you mean?" I asked cautiously. He bit his bottom lip and I could see more tears swell in his eyes.

"I called her earlier.." his voice was strained as if he was trying to suppress his emotions. "..and told her everything. She's pissed at Frankie because she ran away. She spoke so vile of her I didn't know what to do. She told me I shouldn't have donated to her because she belongs dead. Alex had to hang the phone up because I didn't even know what to do. I just wish she could be as happy as I am." He explained.

"She'll come around Rian. For right now you be the bigger person and you be there for Frankie. She needs you more then anyone. But right now, Its going onto 2 in the morning and you need sleep. You and Frankie have physical therapy tonorrow." I explained as I started to help him into his wheelchair.

"Thank you Lukas. For helping her through everything when I was unable to." He said as I pushed him inside.

"It's no problem. I would do it 10 times over again." I replied truthfully.

I'm so happy Frankie has Rian in her life again. It's the final piece of the puzzle she needs to live as happy as she'll ever live.

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