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2 weeks later

Frankie's Pov:

"You ready to go short fry? Everyone is waiting in the bus." Rian commented as I packed my old clothes into a bag.

"Yup. Lets get going. And don't call me short fry" I playfully whined.

"I'll stop when calling you that when you grow a foot." He joked as we exited my room and walked down the hallway to the elevator.

"Hey Rian. I never got to say Thank you. You gave me a second chance at life and I honestly don't know how to make it up to you." I said as the elevator went down to the lobby. He tightly wrapped his arms around me.

"You don't have to make anything up to me. Having you in my life happy and healthy is so much more then anybody can give me. I love you so much Frankie." He spoke calmly before ge kissed the top of my head.

8 hours later

"Frankie. We're home." Someone whispered as they shook me. I looked up to find Scarlet standing outside of the car next to me.

"When did we get in the car?" I asked in confusion as I sat up.

"You were asleep, we stopped at the bus storage place and dropped the bus off and got in our car." She explained as she helped me out of the car. We walked up the sidewalk to our front door when I heard someone call my name. Me and Scarlet both stopped and turn to see Rian jogging up the road to us.

"Hey Rian." Scarlet beamed.

"Het Scar. Hey Frankie. I know this may sound weird and you don't have to say yes, but do you think you would want to visit Ma?" He asked nervously.

"I don't know Rian. You remember what she used to say.." I murmured.

"Frankie I wouldn't have asked if she was still like that. She feels bad. Dad used to drill it into her head and get her drunk until she repeated what he said. She's so sorry and all she wants is to see you safe." He reassured me. I looked at Scar for some help.

"Get meet your mom hun. I'll unpack for you." She smiled as she patted my shoulder.

"Okay." I breathed out. "I'll follow you." I said nervously. Rian wrapped his arm around my shoulders comfortably and guided me down the road.

We started to walk up a driveway and for a second I thought I felt Rian freeze in his spot. He smile seemed to drop a little but he still remained reassuring.

"Ready?" I took a deep breath and nodded. He walked though the front door and I stayed hidden behind him.

"Ma? Can you come down?" Rian called.

"What are you doing home sweetie? Tour doesn't end for another 4 days." Her voice seemed frail and quiet.

"Something popped up and I had to go to the hospital.." I heard mom gasp.

"Are you okay? What happened?" She sounded concerned.

"I'm fine. I found someone and they needed my help desperately." He explained. "It was life or death."

"Who was it? What happened?" I could feel Rian take a deep breath before he stepped aside leaving me in the open. Moms hand flew to her mouth as tears filled her eyes.

"Is it really you?" She cried as she took a few steps towards me. Her free hand cupped my cheek and her thumb ran over it gently. "My baby." She cried as she wrapped both arms tightly aroynd me. "I am so so sorry Frankie. For everything I said and never did for you. I am so sorry." She cried in my shoulder. Rian was right. She has changed. A lot.

"Its okay mama." I whispered as I hugged ger back.

"Is everything alright. Why did you have to go to the hospital?" She asked concerned as she pulled away. I wiped my tears away.

"I had kidney failure. A while ago they had to remove my one kidney and it was only a matter of time before my other one went. Rian was the only donor. Once my kidney failed my friend told him everything and Rian didn't second guess anything. He saved my life." I pushed past the lump in my throat.

"Rian would end human race if it meant he could get you back." She smiled. She made the face as if she just realized something and turned to face the stairs.

"Cat, come down here quickly!" Mom yelled happily. I quickly tugged on Rian's shirt so he was standing in front of me again. I could feel his body start to shake.

"Rian. Such a joy." I heard my sister speak in an annoyed tone.

"Cat be nice. We have company!" Mom ordered.

"Its just Rian Mom. Right now we're not on good terms." She pratically hissed. I could hear Rian sigh as he stepped aside again. I looked up to meet Cat's stone cold face before she turned around and ran upstairs.

"Mom, can I talk to you on the porch?" Rian asked sadly.

"Of course. One minute okay?" Rian nodded and went outside. "Do you want anything to eat or drink Frankie?" She asked kindly.

"No thank you mama. May I go see Cat. I wanna apologise." I said the last part quietly.

"Of course you can. Upstairs, second door on your left." She smiled before walking past me and going outside.

I carefully went up the steps one at a time. Memories flashed through my head. The times me and Rian slid down them on out butts or when Rian would pretend to be a horse going up a mountain with me on his back. And then the night I ran.. Before I even realized it I was standing next to the open door that led to my sister.

"Hey Cat. I just wanted to say sorry.." I spoke quietly as I entered the room. She stood up and closed the soor behind me before turning and looking at me with daggers in her eyes.

"Do you realize what you did to this family by running?" She yelled lowly. My body started shaking. "All the shit you had to do, we were forced to do! Mom and dad got a divorce because of you and mom kicked dad out! You made our lives a living hell!" She hissed.

"Your life was hell?" My voice cracked. "Try being told you were a mistake! Try being forced to clean a whole fucking house or you were gonna be black and blue! You had luxaries compared to what I had! Why do you think I ran until I nearly died! Why do you think I did almost fucking die about 4 weeks ago!" I cried.

"I wish you would have died! You leave and then you come back to Rian begging for a kidney? What are you going to do now? Run again? You got what you wanted! Rian is gonna be paying medical bills out of his ass now all because of you!"

"Why are you like this? What happened to you?" I asked in shock and fear.

"I'm like this because of you!" She hissed before getting in my face. Her hand grabbed aroubd were my stiches where causing me to wince. "Do us all a favor and leave us alone! Leave Rian alone, leave mom alone! Just leave everyone alone or I will fucking hurt you! Do you understand?" She hissed in my ear. I nodded in fear before Rian threw the door open. Cat quickly made it look like she was hugging me. "I'm so glad you're back." She faked out.

"Come on Frankie. I gotta get you home." Rian said sadly. I nodded and followed him with my head down low.

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