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Frankie's Pov:

I soon found a small little bar.

"I don't wanna feel anything anymore." I murmured as I approached it. I've been clean of anything mind and body altering for years now. And because of Cat I'm gonna ruin it.

As soon as I got in, it was shot after shot until I couldn't feel anything anymore. I didn't know where I was or who I was. For once in a long time I was numb to everything that blurred and swirled around me.

I was lost. I'm talking to people I've never met before and before I knew it, I was paying for it.

Rian's Pov:

I pulled into moms driveway and threw open the drivers side. I quickly got out of the car and headed into the house.

"Alex, Jack, Rian? What are you doing here?" Mom asked as I burst through the door.

"Where is Cat?" I growled.

"She went shopping for me, She should be home in a few minutes. Why? What's going on?"

"Frankie's gone and I think it's because of the conversation her and Cat had when me amd Frankie got out of the hospital." I explained sadly.

"Frankie's gone?" Mom asked as tears filled her eyes. I nodded sadly. Mom stayed quiet and held her head low as shut down and went into her room.

How else was she supposed to process that she finally finds her daughter alive, safe and healthy after years of thinking her daughter was dead. All the happiness that she's held onto since seeing Frankie is gone. Like the snap of a finger. Poof.

"Can you guys go into the kitchen or something?" I asked Jack and Alex as I heard a car door slam in the driveway. I took a deep breath to calm myself. Im getting my answers, One way or another. And I'm getting them right now!

"Hi Rian." Cat said as she walked through the door with a few bags of groceries. "Hi Jack. Hi Alex." Alex and Jack knew better so they made it seem like they were in a deep conversation about guitars and which strings are better quality.

"Cat can we talk up in your room please?" I asked calmly. She nodded and set the groceries down before heading up to her room with my right in tow. Once we were in her room I slammed the door behind us. "What the fuck did you do?" I said in a eerily calm voice. I wanted to explode on her. But I had to hold back.

"I don't know what you're talking about Rian." She responded.

"Yes you do!" I screamed. She jumped at the sounds of my sudden yelling. "Frankie ran away again! Ever since you two talked she hasn't been herself and hasn't talked to anyone! She lost all her body weight! She doesn't even preform with the same amount of energy! So I'll ask one. More. Time. What the fuck did you do?!" Cat chuckled a little and murmured something under her breath. "What was that?" I asked angrily.

"I said good. She doesn't belong here. I told you she would run again and you didn't fucking listen. I fucking told you! Maybe now our lives can go back to normal again. Maybe mom will stop talking about her! Maybe you'll soon be out of medical debt! Maybe I can live in peace without hearing about her every fucking two seconds!" She sighed. "You ever think about how her leaving effected me? No because its only about how it effected you and mom. As soon as Frankie left, it was all about Frankie, Nobody could give two shits about me! The wanted daught-" Suddenly the door was thrown open and mom was standing in between me and Cat.

"Catrina Anne Dawson! What the fuck did you say to Frankie?" Her eyes and words were filled with hate filled fire.

"I didn't say anything. Why does everyone assume I said something to her. Do you guys think she ran because she doesn't feel welcomed?" Cat asked in a cocky way as she rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

"She felt welcomed! I know you said something, I heard about the phone call. Such a coincidence that Rian calls you and you say that shit and then when Frankie leaves after saying sorry for fucking running she distances herself and runs away again saying she doesn't want herself and those around her getting hurt. So what did you say you little bitch!"

"She's not even part of this family anymore. After she left her name got crossed off the family tree so why does it fucking matter? Sh-" Mom cut her off by slapping her across the face. Hard.

"She's my child! She's my youngest child! She's my baby!" Mom cried. "You don't know how I felt holding my baby in my arms after 20 years! I thought she was dead! You don't know the pain a mother goes through everyday thinking her youngest child is dead! You don't know what its like every week to go graveyard to graveyard hoping and praying you don't find your child's name! You don't know know the fucking pain I had gone through! So you better tell me right fucking now! What did you say!?"

"Fine. You wanna know what I said so bad? I told her the truth! I told her how nobody wants her here and in our lives cause all she'll do is fuck it up. I told her if she came near any of us she'll get hurt and so will those around her!" Mom backed up until she was up against the wall shaking. I could see in her eyes that every part of her broke.

How could you tell your sibling that they, their family and their friends will get hurt if they're happy.

"You don't know the struggles she fucking went through! You don't know how many times mom almost did find her name if it wasn't for her band! Get the fuck out of this house now!" I hissed as I tried to be strong for mom.

"You have no right to tell me what to do." She said back.

"He's right. You no longer have the right to be in this house! Get your shit and get out! Now!" Mom screamed as she started picking random shit of and throwing it out the bedroom door and into the hallway. "Your sperm donor of a father chased my baby away and I'll be fucking damned if I let my child chase her away again after I get to hug her after 20 fucking years! Now get the fuck out!" She screamed before she stormed out of the room kicking Cat's stuff that was thrown into the hallway.

"Rian!" Alex called as he rushed up the stairs. "Its Lukas!" He said urgently as he threw a phone at me.

"Hello?" I choked out.

"Rian. We found her. A fan had texted Scarlet on Twitter saying that we needed to help her because she was violently getting beat up at a bar. Get down to the venue quickly! We have her on the bus again and she's safe. She's in bad shape dude, she meeds you asap!" I quickly hung the phone up and went downstairs into moms room.

"Mom they found her. She's safe. Get some clothes packed you're coming with me. She could use some mom magic." Mom's cries became harder as she got up and started packing clothes.

"You and your mom go to Frankie. We'll ride down there and be there in a few days. Go make sure you're sister is okay." Alex said as he stood outside moms doorway. I walked out of the room for a minute.

"While we're gone can you change the locks on the house for the sake of mom?" I asked quietly.

"Of course. Jack is going around and locking the windows and making sure everything is secure. I'll get the locks changed quickly." Alex assured me. I glared as I watched Cat drag a bag down the stairs and out the door.

"If you do anything to this family, I will have your ass arrested." I yelled behind her. She flipped me off before peeling out of the driveway.

"Everythings locked up." Jack said as he came down the stairs.

"Thank you Jack. Thank you to both of you." They both nodded understandingly.

"Lets go. I need to see my daughter now." Mom said as she walked out of her room. Me and mom walked out to the car and waved goodbye to Alex and Jack who were standing on the porch.

"Okay mom. What I know so far is a fan contacted someone in Frankie's band because they saw Frankie getting beat up at a bar. I don't know what damage she has but her bandmate that called said that she's safe but in bad shape." I explained as I pulled out of the driveway and headed towards Pennsylvania.

"Just take me to my baby."

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