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The arms dont hit me but I didn't stop kicking and hitting the stranger until he dropped me on the ground. I tried to run away, but they pulled on my shirt. Lifting the shirt with me inside it the man slowly brought my body up until I could reach his chest. I kept looking down, too afraid to look at him.
Mama's brought many men home and none of them are nice. They always hurt me too. Some just sit on the couch and smoke. Some hit me. Some try to touch me. Some poke me with sharp needles which makes me feel really weird. Mama says they're drugs. I don't care what it is I just want it to stop.
Mama screams from the kitchen and I jump. The man grabs my hair and lifts my face. He looks weird. Ugly. He smiles at me and I put my hands on my mouth to stop my puke. He has nasty, yellow teeth with black stuff in them. His hair is super long and wet looking. He's nasty. Ew.
I try to get away from him he pulls my hair and drags me to momma. She turns around smiling until she sees me; then she starts to get angry.
"Who's this? Is he part of the deal?", the man asks as be let's my hair. He gives me the creeps. I'm scared.
My lip trembles and my body shakes as he starts to rub my arms and face with his hands. Mom grins.
" much?"
"I'll give you $100 for yourself plus another $100 if he pleases me. If not, you get nothing." I didn't understand. What did he mean 'pleases me'. Mammas not giving me away, is she?
No! I'll do whatever she wants! I try to be good! I really, really try to be a good boy. I'm sorry! I start to fight again.
"Mama no! Please, I'll be a good boy!" I scream. I try to reach for momma. Please momma! She starts to reach for me too and I try harder to get to her. Yes! Momma does love me! Thank you momma!

Just as momma reaches me I smile and take one of her arms. I start to feel safe. Then momma.....she...momma slaps me.
I drop to the ground and the man keeps his foot on me. He laughs. I start to cry. Cryings bad...but I can't help it. I'm not a good boy. Mom bends down and takes my chin, lifting my eyes to meet hers. They look mean,cold. Her hands hurt my face.
"You thought I cared? Well, maybe. But only if you do whatever this man wants. Here me baby?"
I nod and she smiles.
"Now do you want me to love you?"
I nod again really fast. Yes momma. I do. I really do.
Her nails did into my cheek as she snarls, "Speak you dumbass!"

I whimper, "ye-, yes ma'am."

"Good boy. Now if you want me to love you you're going to listen to this man. I don't care what he does, but you better listen to him. If you don't, you are sleeping outside forever. I won't feed you, I won't water you, I won't clothe you, and I sure as he'll won't love you. Now go with him."

Momma let's go of my face, and the man gets off of me. He picks me up and puts me on his hip. Then, he starts rubbing my back. I try to fight but he's super strong and super tall. He has more muscles than any of mommas other friends have ever had. I start to cry again because he won't let go.
"Ssshhh", he shushes me. "Don't worry, were gonna have lots of fun."

Then he turns to momma.
"Are you sure you want to sell him to me?"

She laughs. "Of course I'm sure. You're not the first man to want something to do with this worthless brat." Then momma turns away and walks up the stairs.

My heart starts beating super fast.

"NO! PLEASE! MOMMA!" I cry out then stop when I hear her yell to me. I shut my eyes tight. MOMMA will love you. MOMMA will love you, I think.

The man starts to slowly bump my body up and down in his arms. I start to panic and the man grips me harder. He walks out of the kitchen, then stops and turns to me.

"Where is your room?"

Hey I know this isn't the best but I'm trying.

He's a kid so I don't want to give him my knowledge and that's why the words and grammar sound weird.

I wanted to create this story because people really go through his sadly and raising awareness will hopefully help them. Also, I wanted to finally create a happy ending for a suffering child!

Any ideas?

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